Pie charts and explode slices
Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 8:37 pm
I have a pie chart and want to utilize the Explode slice feature. All is good, but when the explode percent is greater than 0, the chart does not adjust its size, which causes parts of other objects being covered by pie slices (Titles, Legend - anything which is on its way!) or the slices are running out of screen. This used to be working fine in Win32 version and my clients are going to convert their pie charts from Win32 (which worked) to .NET (which is supposed to work even better, but at the moment is very broken
) And I cannot find any good way to get around this problem so far. Also, if I make marks visible and I have several pretty small slices, even with AutoMarks property set to true, marks are overlapping each other (which is not supposed to happen as far as I understand).