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TChart Click problem with form's scrollbar

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 4:57 am
by 13051032

I have multiple Tchart components vertically stacked as shown in the AVI movie
AVI movie showing the issue with TChart and Form's Scroll bars
(339.89 KiB) Downloaded 504 times
and in this sample project
VS2008 VB.Net Project
(19.29 KiB) Downloaded 457 times

When a user clicks on the TChart object that is partly invisible in the screen area, the scroll bar is automatically set to a position to display the clicked TChart object from the top. This is creating an issue if the TChart object is large that it can't be displayed in a 1024x768 screen area without vertical scrollbar. In such a situation, the TChart object always tries to display from the top and it is quickly becoming an annoyance to our users.

Is there a way i can separate the click event and scroll operation so that clicked TChart object won't always be displayed from the top.

Hope I clarified the issue reasonably with AVI screen movie and a project.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Re: TChart Click problem with form's scrollbar

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 10:43 am
by 10050769
Hello asupriya,

I fear that this problem is not a problem of TeeChart, because other controls of Visual Studios affected it too, as you can see it in next example with buttons controls:

Code: Select all

        private void InitializeChart()

           Button[]  Buttons = new Button[3];

            for (int i = 0; i < Buttons.Length; i++)
                Buttons[i] = new Button();
                Buttons[i].Size = new Size(739, 436);
                Buttons[i].Location = new Point(0, i * 436);
                Buttons[i].Text = "Button:"+i.ToString();

            this.AutoScroll = true;
Moreover, I recommend you, consult next link to get more information about AutoScroll.
