Chart not being displayed (red X)

TeeChart for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Xamarin Studio (Android, iOS & Forms) & Monodevelop.
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Chart not being displayed (red X)

Post by Bill » Mon Dec 20, 2010 6:02 pm

Hello All,

Can anyone help me. I'm using TeeChart 2010 in Visual Studio 2010. I have a simple page with a WebChart on it and it renders fine when run from Visual Studio. When I deploy my web app to my IIS server and load the page with the WebChart on it, all I get is a red X in the upper left hand corner. My PictureFormat property is set to "PNG", TempChart property is set to "Session", the TeeChart.dll is in my "bin" folder and the script "GetChart.aspx" is in my root folder. I'm lost as to why it works from VS2010 and not from IIS. Do I need to install a run-time distribution package on my IIS server?


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Re: Chart not being displayed (red X)

Post by Marc » Tue Dec 21, 2010 3:44 pm

Hello Bill,

I assume from your description that the server you deploy to on IIS isn't the same machine you're developing on. If the problem were code level (ie a missing dependency) you'd probably see a text error message on the browser page. It may be 'session', please check that session is enabled on the server (via IIS settings, ASP).

If that is not the cause, please describe the application format a lttle, are there any security restrictions on the server you're deploying to?

With thanks.
Marc Meumann
Steema Support

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