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Installation Issue with Feb. 8, 2011 version
Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 12:11 am
by 15658023
I have just installed the latest update from the following installer package:
After running the installation I had some problems with it. I discovered that the installer did not overwrite existing files in the (default) target folder. In the screen shot below you can see the file dates left over from the 11/30/2010 installation. Some new files are there, but the important files are still the out of date files.
I am aware that I can resolve this specific issue by first removing the old files and then installing again. The problem goes a little deeper, though. The project in which I use TeeChart is compiled in VS2010. I have the new chart version loaded and running just fine. I create my app installer using the VS2010 Package and Deployment project. That creates an installer just fine. Here is the problem:
- If I install in an empty folder, all the right files go in and everything runs just fine.
- If I install in a folder that held an earlier version of the application, including the 11/30/2010 version of TeeChart.Dll, EVERY file is updated just fine, EXCEPT TeeChart.Dll. The old 11/30/2010 file remains and the program can no longer open the form containing my TeeChart control. This means I can not distribute updates using the new version of the DLL at this time.
I suspect that my install issue is the same as the install issue with your Wise-based installer. Perhaps Windows is not seeing the updated dll file as a new version. I have duplicated this issue on two different 32-bit XP-based machines. I am using the .Net 2 version of TeeChart.dll.
Any thoughts? Thanks

- SteemaFiles.gif (50.41 KiB) Viewed 8452 times
Re: Installation Issue with Feb. 8, 2011 version
Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 10:31 am
by 10050769
Hello Dave,
I recommend that take a look in this
link where explain how you do to solve any upgrading version problems. And also please, check that you don't have old version registered in the GAC. If it doesn't solve your problem please let me know.
Re: Installation Issue with Feb. 8, 2011 version
Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 4:23 pm
by 15658023
There is nothing in either the GAC or the \AssemblyFolders registry setting related to TeeChart.
I am not sure you are understanding the issue here. My license file inside my application project is fine. My programs compile just fine. The installer program created by VS2010 runs fine. If the installer runs on a machine that has never had a prior copy of TeeChart in the application folder, a fresh copy of the new TeeChart.DLL is installed and everything runs just fine.
The problem comes in when the installer goes to update an existing copy of the my application. All my application files are updated just fine. However, the TeeChart.DLL file is left untouched. The old version of that DLL remains. The Windows Installer does not see the new DLL version as a newer file that needs to replace the old file.
I think you can duplicate this using your own install files. If you install the 2010 version of the software using:
and then install the new one from:
you will see that the new DLL does not make it in to the target folder. While I am happy to fiddle with my GAC and registry settings to get them in there, I can not do that on every client machine.
Perhaps I am simply installing from the wrong files. I have used these because I need the .Net Framework 2 version of the TeeChart control. If it is available inside some other installer and that would get it set right in registry, I would be happy to use that.
Re: Installation Issue with Feb. 8, 2011 version
Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 5:16 pm
by 15658023
I have created two zip files, each containing a single simple TeeChart project. (If it makes a difference, I have to use the .Net Framework 2 version here.) I installed the Nov. 2010 version of TeeChart from the following file:
Then I created the project in, which consists of a label and a TeeChart Control on a form. I compiled it and created a Package and Deployment Setup program for it. Then I zipped up the project. I did have to remove the TeeChart.dll and the compiled setup file so they would be small enough to upload here.
Next I uninstalled that 2010 version of TeeChart and installed the 2011 version from TeeChartNET2010x86UNSIGNED_4.0.2011.02080.exe. When I opened this project I could see that the version numbers had changed inside the program. When I recompiled the program the new 2011 TeeChart.dll was included in the release version files. At that point I updated the Assembly info in the base project and compiled it. I then updated the Installer version number and product ID and rebuilt that. Now I have two installers for the same project. One precedes the 2011 version of TeeCharts. The other has the newest one.
When I run installer #1, it installs this little program just fine, with an icon on the screen. When I run it, I see the 2010 version number in a label on the form. Next, I run installer number 2. It replaces all the files in the application folder, except the TeeChart control. The result is that the application can not run. It encounters an error when trying to load the incorrect DLL version.
Hopefully you will be able to reproduce this error on your end. Or, if you see that I am doing something incorrectly in this little setup program, please do let me know.
Re: Installation Issue with Feb. 8, 2011 version
Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 11:13 am
by 10050769
Hello dave,
I could reproduce your problem:
- -I install TeeChartNET2010x64UNSIGNED_4.1.2010.11300.exe
-Run the project: TeeChartInstallSetup
-Run project and Test show version 4.1.2010.11301
-After, close the project and remove version 4.1.2010.11301
-Then, install TeeChartNET2010x86UNSIGNED_4.0.2011.02080.exe
-Open the project and run it.
-Appears version 4.1.2010.11301
Solve it:
- -Clean solution and rebuild it
-Appears version 4.0.2011.02081
Could you confirm that previous steps solve your problem? On the other hand, can you check if your files are read only?
Re: Installation Issue with Feb. 8, 2011 version
Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 1:06 pm
by 15658023
I have cleaned and rebuilt over and over before reporting this. I did see where running the installer a second time would finally replace that dll. I suspect that is what happened on your end. Our software does check for version number changes and suggests that the user upgrade if a new version is found. If he updates and the TeeChart dll does not get updated, our software will be up to date and there will be nothing to tell him to run it again. The charts simply will not work. Needless to say, we would wind up with some disgruntled customers, which is never a good thing.
On a positive note, I actually have a good reason to change the application installation folder right now. I have the opportunity to put in the new DLL and not have to worry about the versioning problem since it will be going to a new location anyway. This will give me some breathing room on this version. I sure hope you can figure it out before the next maintenance version release.
I do hope you take my comments here in the spirit in which they are offered. Your TeeChart software is really great and your support has been top notch.
Re: Installation Issue with Feb. 8, 2011 version
Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 12:12 pm
by 10050769
Hello dave,
After check your problem in different machines, we suspect that this problem can be caused to some option of security of windows, so we can only reproduce it in a windows 7 32-bits machine. We are not sure which option can cause it, and we follow investigated, but for now we don't guarantee a solution for it, so would be very grateful if you find a solution, before us, you explain it to us.
On the other hand, we recommend two to try solving your problem:
1.- Check if your Build folder and files are read-only. If it is read-only, please deselect it and try again installing the last version.
2.- Uninstall previously the oldest version there are of TeeChart.Net and install a newest version. You already test it and for now it is a solution more efficient without cause problems.
I do hope you take my comments here in the spirit in which they are offered. Your TeeChart software is really great and your support has been top notch.
Thanks for your compliments, we always consider the comments of our clients
Re: Installation Issue with Feb. 8, 2011 version
Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 4:22 pm
by 15658023
I have seen this on two 32-bit XP machines and one 64-bit Win7 machine. I have not found a scenario where the problem does not happen. But, if I find anything that makes it go away, I will certainly let you know. The installation folder for our application is actually moving right now, so that eliminates any possibile problem we would have with this for now.
When the next version comes out, you should be able to check this fairly simply. On my end, if I run the Steema 2010 version installer on a fresh machine and then run the 2011 version installer, the 2010 program files remain. If you run that same test and still see it, you probably still have the same issue. If not, well let's hope!

Re: Installation Issue with Feb. 8, 2011 version
Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 11:21 am
by 10050769
Hello dave,
Sorry for the delay. Thank you for information. We can reproduce your problem in other computers. We will be alert to this behaviour in future versions, but for now the only solution we can offers is that uninstall the oldest versions before install the newest version. You don't forget inform us, if you find a solution.