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SAR Function working?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:55 pm
by 15658023
Is the SAR function working in the latest release? I notice that if I change the Acceleration Factor the chart does not change. Same thing happens in the VS2010 demo program.

This is a screenshot of the SAR function in your demo. I have changed the number of points from 10 to 50. The top image has the default .02 Acceleration factor. The second image has an Acceleration Factor of .05. The chart does not change at all. Likewise, in my application when I draw a new SAR with .02 and then draw a second one with .05, the resulting lines match, with no differences.

For one last question, I would like to get this to show up as points, not a line connecting the points. Do you have an easy way to do that? I did not see anything in the code in the sample that produced the points.
SAR with .02 acceleration factor
SAR02.gif (60.93 KiB) Viewed 2979 times
SAR with .05 Acceleration Factor
SAR05.gif (60.87 KiB) Viewed 2980 times

Re: SAR Function working?

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 10:02 am
by 10050769
Hello dave,
Is the SAR function working in the latest release? I notice that if I change the Acceleration Factor the chart does not change. Same thing happens in the VS2010 demo program.

This is a screenshot of the SAR function in your demo. I have changed the number of points from 10 to 50. The top image has the default .02 Acceleration factor. The second image has an Acceleration Factor of .05. The chart does not change at all. Likewise, in my application when I draw a new SAR with .02 and then draw a second one with .05, the resulting lines match, with no differences.
Using demo example and zooming a zone I have gotten next images, using last version of Teechart.Net :
S.A.R1.jpg (150.51 KiB) Viewed 2955 times
S.A.R2.jpg (159.63 KiB) Viewed 2955 times
The first image acceleration factor is 0.5 and in second is 0.2 and results are different for me. Could you please, check if in last version of Teechart.Net works as you expected?
For one last question, I would like to get this to show up as points, not a line connecting the points. Do you have an easy way to do that? I did not see anything in the code in the sample that produced the points.
If you want see only pointer of line you can set the Line Pen not visible, as do next:

Code: Select all

line1.LinePen.Visible= false; 
