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ColorLine bug

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:37 am
by 15659641

We found a bug with ColorLine in WPF TChart (version 4.1.2011.6283). Code file is attached. Run it and you will see ColorLine on First tab. Then click on Second tab and the return to First tab: ColorLine disappeared!

Re: ColorLine bug

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 4:18 pm
by 10050769
Hello neurosoft,

I have made something changes in your code and seems that now works as you expected:
(9.78 KiB) Downloaded 473 times
The modification I have made in your code are:

First, I have removed your tChart added to running time, after I have added the tchart in Xaml code as do in next lines:

Code: Select all

                        <my:TChart Name="tChart">
In previous lines of code are using AdornerDecoder tab, so ColorLine is an Adorner and need the AdornerDecorator if you want it works fine. Please, can you confirm us if my modification works as you want?

I hope will helps.


Re: ColorLine bug

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 7:24 am
by 15659641
Hello, Sandra!

With AdornerDecorator it really works. But why? Why all other functions of TChart can work properly without AdornerDecorator but ColorLine can't? Is it necessary to add AdornerDecorator to each TChart in my program? Is it some recommendations about it in your documentation?

Re: ColorLine bug

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:05 am
by 10050769
Hello neurosoft,
But why? Why all other functions of TChart can work properly without AdornerDecorator but ColorLine can't? Is it necessary to add AdornerDecorator to each TChart in my program?
The reason is that that ColorLine and a number of other tools that can be dragged are Adorners. The reason they are adorners is that this is the quickest way to get these tools to paint in WPF when they are dragged. Because they are Adorners, they need the AdornerDecorator. If these tools were not Adorners, they would be very much slower on dragging. On the other hand, not all functions of TChart are Adorners for this it doesn't need AdornerDecorator to work properly.
Is it some recommendations about it in your documentation?
At the moment it is not a recommendation in our documentation but I have added it in wish-list to be considered its inclusion in next maintenance releases of TeeChart.Net.
