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Error: The Given Path's format is not supported.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 9:26 am
by 9638633
I have installed my application on Windows 2008 R2 64 bit server. When I access this application from another machine with windows XP as Operating System, I am able to see Trends only after creating a new Virtual Directory in "Default Web Site" named "_chart_temp". When I try to run this from newer Operating Systems such as Win 7, I get error "The given path's format is not supported."

Re: Error: The Given Path's format is not supported.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 1:58 pm
by 10050769
Hello CIM,

Please consult tutorial 9 and confirm that the registry keys are setup correctly to reflect the location of the _chart_temp folder. We have tried
the configuration with a new web project on Windows 7 and it appears to work correctly once the settings are in place.


Re: Error: The Given Path's format is not supported.

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 11:21 am
by 9638633
Hi sandra,
Thanks for your reply on the given issue. we have added both the key in registry entry. but then also we didn’t succeed.

Now we are remain with the problem of the error given below as well as now the website will able to create a chart images at specified folder mentioned in registry but not able to read when we called it from windows XP as Operating System. Its shows a X mark for image not available.

Re: Error: The Given Path's format is not supported.

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 9:24 am
by 10050769
Hello CIM,
Please, can you check the path there are in VirtualShare is in the server, to try solve your problem? For do this, I recommend do next steps:
  • 1.-Run your WebSite application.
    2.-Click with right button and select view Source Code
    3.- Find the line where there is the Chart, for example:

    Code: Select all

    SRC="/TeeChartForNET/_chart_temp/WebChart1127001634475310944090000png.png" id="WebChart1img" 
    4.- Open regEdit and find the VirtualShare and ShareFolder
    5.- Check if SharedFolder and VirtualShare path, is correct and change it if isn't correct. For check it, you must compare the view Source path of Chart is the same of your VirtualShare, in my case is this:

    Code: Select all

     ShareFolder: C:\Program Files\Steema Software\TeeChart for .NETVS2008 1130 2010\TeeChartForNET
              VirtualShare: /TeeChartForNET
    6.- When you have compared the path, to ensure that it is really correct,you must open with browser, the image that WebSite has genereted :

    Code: Select all

    7.- Try to run again the application and check it works fine.
Could you tell us, if the recommendation have a good results for you? If your results aren't good, please let me know and explain exactly problem you have, step to step or send us a simple project to reproduce it here.


Re: Error: The Given Path's format is not supported.

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 9:20 am
by 9638633
Hi Sandra,
Thanks for your support. We have followed all the steps mentioned by you in forum, and all are correct for my server configuration.

The only one point we were not able to succeed was accessing the image URL directly from the browser mentioned at point 6.

Steps to reproduce:
1) Create a web application with framework 4.0
2) Tee chart virtual directory is with framework 2.0
3) Both the frameworks are registered.
4) We are unable to access the .jpg file directly
5) When we access the URL from out side the server with older OS, application is able to create a file at the specified location but not able to display it.
6) When we access the URL from the same machine, the application is not create a file at specified location, and gives us an error of “The Given Path's format is not supported.”

Re: Error: The Given Path's format is not supported.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 12:14 pm
by 10050769
Hello CIM,

Seems the problem is a problem of permissions. Could you please, check if you have all of permission to access in the folder?


Re: Error: The Given Path's format is not supported.

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 12:05 pm
by 9638633
Hi Sandra,
We have given a full control access to below mentioned objects on folder named “TeeChartForNET” which is also applied to all the childs
1) Network service
2) Aspnet

We were only gave the rights to these users in windows server 2003 and it works for us. If windows 2008 64-bit R2 required any other rights on particular folder, let us know.

Re: Error: The Given Path's format is not supported.

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:20 am
by 10050769
Hello CIM,

Ok, thank you. There is the possibility that the folder of TeeChart.Net is in the IIS would be different to ShareFolder and is necessary these are the same. Please follow next steps to check it:
- Open IIS Manager
- Select TeeChart Home
- Select menu "Basic Settings" that is in the right of IIS window
- Check Physical and ShareFolder are the same. In my case:

Code: Select all

Physical path: C:\Program Files\Steema Software\Steema TeeChart for .NET 2011 4.1.2011.07280 VS2008\Examples\TeeChartForNET
ShareFolder: C:\Program Files\Steema Software\Steema TeeChart for .NET 2011 4.1.2011.07280 VS2008\Examples\TeeChartForNET

Still in Basic Settings,
- Click to button Connect as, and add your user, if it doesn't exist.
- Click button Test Settings and check if Authentication and Authorization are correct.
- Run your WebApplication.
- Open the browser, and try to access the image that WebSite has generated again:

Code: Select all

Could you please, tell us if latest steps works as you expected?


Re: Error: The Given Path's format is not supported.

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 11:44 am
by 9638633
Hi Sandra,
As per your suggestion, we have checked both the path, and they are the same.

In second step, we checked the connect as and we run it by Application user.

Once we checked the test settings, we failed in authorization, although we have given full access to the machine $ account on the physical path.

Re: Error: The Given Path's format is not supported.

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 11:14 am
by 10050769
Hello CIM,

Specific rights settings for a virtual share tend to depend on organizational specifications but you can test the application by going to the 'authentication' section of the properties for the '_chart_temp' space under the TeeChartForNET virtual folder in the IIS manager and enabling windows authentication whereupon you will be prompted for a windows login when accessing the page.


Re: Error: The Given Path's format is not supported.

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 5:38 am
by 9638633
Hi Sandra,
We are still not successful. If it is posible then we can provide you the access to that perticular windows 2008 R2 machine for checking the issue.


Re: Error: The Given Path's format is not supported.

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 10:07 am
by 10050769
Hello CIM,

I am sorry, but we couldn't reproduce your problem here using WindowsServer2008 R2. We think, it is a question about security and I would be useful for you take a look to next pages: ... olicy.aspx ... f21c6ad25/

I hope will helps.


Re: Error: The Given Path's format is not supported.

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:37 am
by 9638633
Hi Sandra,

When we access the URL http://localhost/TeeChartForNET/_chart_temp/<Chartimage> then browser displays blank. We tried giving adminsitrator User credentials in the "Connect As" and tested and both authentication and authorization displayed OK but still the image doesn't show up. Also, we do not see anything for samples: http://localhost/TeeChartForNET/index.aspx
This displays blank too.
Is the issue because Steema is installed in Program Files (x86) directory?
Could you let us know what privileges are required on the virtual directory so that the images start to show?

Re: Error: The Given Path's format is not supported.

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 10:41 am
by 10050769
Hello CIM,

Sorry for delay. I need that you indicate us some things so we can reproduce exactly your problem here.

1.- Please indicate us which version of TeeChart are you using?
2.- Please indicate us what IDE of Visual Studios are you working?
3.- What exact option you selected in the installation so we can create a similar environment to yours?

On the other hand, I think you might want to know, if you want you can work with a TempChart = Session using a GetChart.aspx.cs. I have attached a simple project as example how you do it.
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