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Displaying data over TeeChart
Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 7:46 am
by 15659467
Hi Steema Support,
In our Silverlight project we are have a query related to displaying data over TeeChart as displayed in following figure.

- 1a.png (76.21 KiB) Viewed 3706 times
We have to show some data in front of each bar in such a manner it should be always aligned, even if we
resize graph.
Please suggest the possible solution for this query.
We will appreciate your suggestion. Thanks in advance.
Thanks & Regards
Re: Displaying data over TeeChart
Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 12:36 pm
by 10050769
Hello Planoresearch,
You have many options to achieve it, one option I suggest you is an easy solution, you only have changed the Vertical Axis, Invert the Horizontal Axis and set marks of Bar transparent as do next:
Code: Select all
private void InitializeChart()
tChart1.Aspect.View3D = false;
tChart1.Axes.Left.Visible = false;
tChart1.Walls.Left.Visible = false;
Steema.TeeChart.Styles.HorizBar horizBar = new Steema.TeeChart.Styles.HorizBar(tChart1.Chart);
horizBar.VertAxis= Steema.TeeChart.Styles.VerticalAxis.Right;
tChart1.Axes.Bottom.Inverted = true;
horizBar.Marks.Arrow.Visible = false;
horizBar[0].Label = "F6";
horizBar[1].Label = "M9";
horizBar[2].Label = "F1";
horizBar[3].Label = "D2";
horizBar[4].Label = "P3";
horizBar[5].Label = "D3";
horizBar[6].Label = "P5";
horizBar.Marks.Style = Steema.TeeChart.Styles.MarksStyles.Label;
horizBar.Marks.Transparent = true;
The other option I suggest you is, use Annotation Tool you can find samples in the TeeChart.Net Demo, concretely:
All Feauter\Welcome !\Tools\Annotation or in the Silverlight sample of Annotation.
I hope will help.