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One more bug in TChart.Export.Image.XAML.Save

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 6:29 am
by 15659641
Hello Steema.
We've got a fresh bug with the latest version of WPF TChart library (4.1.2012.2283).
In some cases TChart.Export.Image.XAML.Save method generates invalid xml, that contains Infinity values in Rect.
For Example:

Code: Select all

<Rectangle Fill="#FF4466A3"
 Canvas.Left="134.5" Canvas.Top="172" Width="102" Height="1">
  <RectangleGeometry Rect="Infinity,Infinity,-Infinity,-Infinity"/>
It happens when TChart.Aspect.View3D is false; TChart contains histogram, that has at least two values; MyTChart.Export.Image.XAML.Height has special value, for example ends with ".5" (200.5 in my case).
The attached project reproduces the bug.
(47.85 KiB) Downloaded 380 times
I hope, that bug will be fixed soon, we can't use new version of TChart while we have such errors.

Re: One more bug in TChart.Export.Image.XAML.Save

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:40 am
by 10050769
Hello neurosoft,

I can reproduce it and I have added it in bug list report with number [TW16016077]. We will try to fix it for next maintenance releases of TeeChartFor.Net
