Grouping Legends

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Grouping Legends

Post by MNE » Thu Sep 23, 2004 9:22 pm

I have a chart of 21 Series. There are 3 Groups of 7 Series Each. For example there are 7 series for "Tropical Storms", 7 Series for "Extra Tropical Storms" and 7 Series for "Combined Storms". Further assume that the Seven Series are called "Type 1", Type 2" .... "Type 7".

All my series are LINE Series.

I need to control the legend so that there are 3 Rows - each containing 7 Series and a check box that can switch on ALL the 7 Series for each group. I know that we can have individual check boxes - but I want to switch on/off all 7 series at a time. This 3 Rows x 7 Series configuration should not change even on resizing.

Also, I would like to group 7 Sereis Verically in a group and then next 7 series Vertically and then Next 7 Vertically. Each groub may be bound by a visible rectangle. There should be a "Group" check box that will switch on/off the entire group of 7 AND each series should have it own check box (which I know how to do).

Plese let me know how to do this.

Thank you for your support.

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Post by Pep » Fri Sep 24, 2004 12:19 am


I think the best way to do this is creating manually your custom legend (making use of the Canvas techniques). The actual legend does not allow to group some Series and enable/disable with a checkBox, you'll have to do this manually.

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