Clustered MarkTips - New feature Request

TeeChart for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Xamarin Studio (Android, iOS & Forms) & Monodevelop.
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Clustered MarkTips - New feature Request

Post by Sugan » Mon Jul 29, 2013 1:00 pm


I'm using TeeChart for .NET for a very long time.
I now have a requirement to show mark tips on some of the points (Points series) on the chart. Currently when there are multiple overlapping points on the chart, it will be difficult for the user to read all of them. The drag marks tool has some problem related to its positining/placement when zoomed/panned. Also the same is not completely suitable considering the space it occupies when multiple multiple marks are dragged away.

Unfortunately, I don't find any solution for this issue with the current release.

So I'm looking for a clustered tooltip/marktip feature which can be navigated (through arrows as shown in the screenshot below) to see the overlapping tooltips (irrespective of the series to which the point belongs to).
Tooltip.png (986 Bytes) Viewed 3570 times
This could be a very good feature for Teechart I hope. Please let me know how far this request will be considered and how soon can I expect an update with this feauture implemented.

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Re: Clustered MarkTips - New feature Request

Post by Sandra » Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:49 pm

Hello Sugan,
I'm using TeeChart for .NET for a very long time.
I now have a requirement to show mark tips on some of the points (Points series) on the chart. Currently when there are multiple overlapping points on the chart, it will be difficult for the user to read all of them. The drag marks tool has some problem related to its positining/placement when zoomed/panned. Also the same is not completely suitable considering the space it occupies when multiple multiple marks are dragged away.

Unfortunately, I don't find any solution for this issue with the current release.
You can try to use marks property custom position as do in next thread to avoid overlapping of marks.
So I'm looking for a clustered tooltip/marktip feature which can be navigated (through arrows as shown in the screenshot below) to see the overlapping tooltips (irrespective of the series to which the point belongs to).
I have added your request in wish-list with number [TF02016667] to be consider its inclusion in future versions of TeeChartFor.Net.

Best Regards,
Sandra Pazos / Development & Support
Steema Software
Avinguda Montilivi 33, 17003 Girona, Catalonia
Tel: 34 972 218 797
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