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Problem with error series(LR style) having multiple points

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 2:39 pm
by 16064951
We are using tee chart for .net (Version 4.1.2013.7302)

We are facing one problem while drawing error series with left-right style having multiple points in it.

Let’s consider following example:
Say we have error series with 5 points values as follows
X = {0,1,2,3,4}
Bar = {50,80,20,60,40}
Std. Error = {10,20,8,30,5}

When we plot the above error series data with error style as left and right; error series is set invisible if its bar value > bottom axis maximum value.
This problem is only observed for error series with left and right style and that too having multiple points. If there is single point data per error series, it is visible perfectly, irrespective of any value of bar and bottom axis maximum.

To illustrate more -
Consider first set of data from the above values { X = 0 , Bar = 50 , Std. Err. = 10 }.
If error series with left-right error style is drawn with this data, it is perfectly visible till x axis max value > 50.
If we try to set bottom axis max value to anything less than 50, series/line corresponding to this point is set invisible.

This isn’t the case with error with top-bottom style. In this case, even if left axis max value is lesser than that of bar value, series is perfectly visible.

We tried to find out reason behind it but haven’t found any. Also, we traced earlier versions, but in vain.
Please let us know is this a known issue. Kindly suggest if there is any way to avoid such behavior.


Re: Problem with error series(LR style) having multiple points

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 4:04 pm
by Christopher
Hello Chandran,

Please find here:
(3.49 KiB) Downloaded 812 times, which is a Windows Form containing a simple example for testing the Error series. I have added the data you mentioned to it and have adjusted the bottom axes minimum and maximum, as you can see.

Is this a satisfactory solution to your problem?

Re: Problem with error series(LR style) having multiple points

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 6:01 am
by 16064951
Thank Christopher.
But the solution doesn't address the problem we are facing.

When you run the application, every point from error series is drawn correctly.
But if we want to change bottom axis maximum to zero, which is valid value for all points in series, just one point from the series is drawn and others are set invisible in this case.

Please check uploaded modified form with provision to set maximum value of bottom axis.
Try setting zero as bottom axis max using this application (enter 0 in the text box and press OK). It will result into the above mentioned problem.


Re: Problem with error series(LR style) having multiple points

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 12:11 pm
by Christopher
Hello Chandran,

Okay, thank you, I think I can see what the problem is now.

Can you please try this TeeChart.dll (password protected to see if it resolves the issue?

Re: Problem with error series(LR style) having multiple points

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 8:58 am
by 16064951
Thanks Christopher, it worked but still has one issue.
In the same application, instead of setting max value , if we try to set min value for bottom axis, same problem persists.

Could you please share the updated assembly for the same?


Re: Problem with error series(LR style) having multiple points

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 1:05 pm
by Christopher
Chandran wrote: In the same application, instead of setting max value , if we try to set min value for bottom axis, same problem persists.

Could you please share the updated assembly for the same?
Apologies for the delay in getting these algorithms right, and many thanks for your collaboration and patience. Please try TeeChart.dll downloadable from here (, password protected).

Re: Problem with error series(LR style) having multiple points

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 2:02 pm
by 16064951
This time it worked well. Thanks Christopher once again for the support.

Was it really bug? If yes, would it be available in upcoming release?
Please confirm.


Re: Problem with error series(LR style) having multiple points

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 2:06 pm
by Christopher
Chandran wrote:This time it worked well. Thanks Christopher once again for the support.
I'm pleased to hear it. Don't hesitate to let us know if you have any further problems.
Chandran wrote: Was it really bug? If yes, would it be available in upcoming release?
Please confirm.
Yes, it was a bug. I've had to change the source code in several places for the circumstances that weren't considered when the code was written. These fixes will be in the upcoming maintenance release, yes.