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Transparent Datapoints Xamarin Android

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 7:55 am
by 16075226
Screenshot.jpg (138.96 KiB) Viewed 5214 times
I'm creating an 'Oscilloscopic' ECG system which requires that datapoints be transparent when the second and subsequent screen scans are made. The problem is described fully in the post on oscilloscopic emulation.

The solution (which was recommended by you) works very well in regular Dot.Net, but does not work when running under Xamarin.Android. (As shown in the screenshot above, a line is drawn between the two relevant data points (Arrowed in red))

The problem seems to be that "chart.Series[0][PressureGraphCursor + 1].Color = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;" is ignored.

Can you suggest a solution?

Many thanks,

Andy Pybus

The working (PC) version is:

private void UpdateGraphs()
short val;
if (Pressure_Data.TryDequeue(out val)) //If data points are available...
if (InputPressure.Count > PressureGraph.Axes.Bottom.Maximum) //If we've accumulated at least 1 scan...
InputPressure[PressureGraphCursor].Y = val * VARIABLESCALEFACTOR;
InputPressure[PressureGraphCursor].Color = InputPressure.Color;
InputPressure[PressureGraphCursor + 1].Color = Color.Transparent;
InputPressure.Add(val * VARIABLESCALEFACTOR);
PressureGraphCursor = (PressureGraphCursor < PressureGraph.Axes.Bottom.Maximum) ? PressureGraphCursor : 0;
if ((PressureGraphCursor % SIGNALFREQUENCY == 0) && (Mode == OpMode.File) && (PlotTimer.IsRunning)) GetNextDORecord();
if (FftGraphIsAvailable) DisplayCurrentFFT();

The version is:

void UpdateGraphs(Steema.TeeChart.TChart chart)
chart.AutoRepaint = false;
short val;
if (Pressure_Data.TryDequeue(out val)) //If data points are available...
if (chart.Series[0].Count > PressureGraph.Axes.Bottom.Maximum) //If we've accumulated at least 1 scan...
chart.Series[0][PressureGraphCursor].Y = val * VARIABLESCALEFACTOR;
chart.Series[0][PressureGraphCursor].Color = chart.Series[0].Color;
chart.Series[0][PressureGraphCursor + 1].Color = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;
chart.Series[0].Add(val * VARIABLESCALEFACTOR);
PressureGraphCursor = (PressureGraphCursor < PressureGraph.Axes.Bottom.Maximum) ? PressureGraphCursor : 0;
chart.AutoRepaint = true;

Re: Transparent Datapoints Xamarin Android

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 10:33 am
by 16075226
OOPs - I forgot to specify:

fastLine1.TreatNulls = Steema.TeeChart.Styles.TreatNullsStyle.DoNotPaint; - This fixes the problem!