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Show arrow on multiple custom axis.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 12:05 pm
by 9526439
Hi steema support,

We are facing an issue regarding show an arrow on multiple custom axis,
arrowaxis.png (37.15 KiB) Viewed 7059 times
We want to arrow on top of green custom axis.
Please provide me any solution asap.
Thanks in advance

Re: Show arrow on multiple custom axis.

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 8:10 am
by Christopher

You can try code similar to the following:

Code: Select all

    private void InitializeChart()
      tChart1.Aspect.View3D = false;

      Line line1 = new Line(tChart1.Chart);
      Line line2 = new Line(tChart1.Chart);

      tChart1.Panel.MarginLeft = 10;

      Axis axis1 = tChart1.Axes.Custom.Add();
      line1.CustomVertAxis = axis1;
      axis1.PositionUnits = PositionUnits.Pixels;
      axis1.RelativePosition = -50;


      tChart1.AfterDraw += TChart1_AfterDraw;


    private void TChart1_AfterDraw(object sender, Graphics3D g)
      int xPos = tChart1.Axes.Custom[0].Position;
      int yPos = tChart1.Axes.Custom[0].IStartPos;

      Point from = new Point(xPos, yPos - 40);
      Point to = new Point(xPos, yPos - 5);

      g.Brush.Color = Color.Green;
      g.Arrow(true, from, to, 10, 10, 0);