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Zooming and scrolling issues in TeeChart.NET 4.1.2017.10194

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2018 10:27 am
by 15681044
Recently, we upgraded the version of TeeChart.NET we use in our applications from version 4.1.2015.5144 to version 4.1.2017.10194.
Unfortunately, we are now facing regression issues regarding zooming of the charts and scrolling in a zoomed in chart.
To illustrate the issue, I made an example that adds a single simple bar series to the chart:

Code: Select all

Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Bar bar = new Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Bar(tChart1.Chart);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
I added a few screenshots that make the comparison between the 2 versions of TeeChart.NET in different situations, visualizing the issues:
  • 'start_full_view.png' visualizes the starting situation for both versions, which looks ok for both versions. No issues here.
  • 'zoom_bar.png' visualizes the difference in behaviour when zooming in to 1 bar of the bar series. The old version nicely visualizes this 1 bar in the zoomed chart, keeping the bar width the same and restricting the horizontal and vertical axis range. The newer version unfortunately doesn't even show the 1 bar that is zoomed in, bars are way wider and overlapping other bars, and the horizontal axis range doesn't seem to be restricted correctly. The vertical axis range seems to be restricted correctly.
  • 'scroll_left_right.png' visualizes the difference in behaviour when scrolling horizontally through the zoomed chart. The old version nicely scrolls to left and right, keeping the same space between each data point and showing the previous and next bars of the bar series on the chart. In the newer version, it looks like only the end point of the horizontal axis can be influenced by scrolling, since the starting point always stays the same. As a result, when scrolling to the left in the newer version, the space between data points increases, and when scrolling to the right, the space decreases.
Did we forget to do some additional configuration regarding zooming/scrolling of the chart when we upgraded our version, or is this actually a problem in TeeChart.NET itself?

Thank you,

Re: Zooming and scrolling issues in TeeChart.NET 4.1.2017.10194

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 12:14 pm
by Christopher
Hello Steven,
OMP wrote: Unfortunately, we are now facing regression issues regarding zooming of the charts and scrolling in a zoomed in chart.
Many apologies for these issues, which I have been able to reproduce. It seems that the fixes to id=1636, id=1680 and id=1794 introduced these regressions. I will look at this problem now, but in the meantime I believe you should be able to return to previous rendering using a CustomBarWidth, e.g.

Code: Select all

		private void InitializeChart()
			tChart1.Aspect.View3D = false;
			Bar bar1 = new Bar(tChart1.Chart);
			bar1.SideMargins = false;
			bar1.CustomBarWidth = 50;
I have added these regressions to our issue tracker with id=2013 so you will be able to keep an eye on its progress.

Re: Zooming and scrolling issues in TeeChart.NET 4.1.2017.10194

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 3:47 pm
by 15681044
Hi Christopher,

Thank you for acknowledging the issue, adding it to the issue tracker, and the quick resolving of the issue.
Thank you for the suggestion of setting a custom bar width, but unfortunately this is not an option in our application, since charts can be dynamically resized and bars on the chart should then resize along with the chart.
We therefore are quite eager to upgrade to a new version of TeeChart.NET that will contain this fix.
Do you have any idea when we might expect the release of this new version?

Best regards,

Re: Zooming and scrolling issues in TeeChart.NET 4.1.2017.10194

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 5:01 pm
by Christopher
OMP wrote: Do you have any idea when we might expect the release of this new version?
There is a binary which contains this fix - the TeeChart .NET Standard version which you can download from Nuget: ... .Standard/

you might like to test this version with the watermark to see if it fits your needs. If it does, with a valid TeeChart .NET Professional license you will be able to obtain a license file for the Standard version by contacting [email protected]

Re: Zooming and scrolling issues in TeeChart.NET 4.1.2017.10194

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 10:16 am
by 15681044
Hi Christopher,
Christopher wrote: There is a binary which contains this fix - the TeeChart .NET Standard version which you can download from Nuget: ... .Standard/
Thank you for the link to the Nuget page. For testing purposes, this will probably come in handy.

However, for official releases of our application, we need to use official releases of TeeChart.NET.
Do you have any idea when the next official release of TeeChart.NET is planned, or can I contact someone else for this information?

Best regards,

Re: Zooming and scrolling issues in TeeChart.NET 4.1.2017.10194

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 10:29 am
by Christopher
Hello Steven,
Steven wrote: Thank you for the link to the Nuget page. For testing purposes, this will probably come in handy.

However, for official releases of our application, we need to use official releases of TeeChart.NET.
Do you have any idea when the next official release of TeeChart.NET is planned, or can I contact someone else for this information?
The TeeChart.NET Standard (which is a synonym of the TeeChart.NET Business edition) is an official release of TeeChart.NET, just to be clear. If this particular version is sufficient for the need of the application you are working on, then you will be able to remove the Evaluation watermark by the addition of a TeeChart.licenses file to it - this licenses file can be obtained, without further cost to license holder of TeeChart.NET Professional, through the [email protected] address.

However, not all the functionality in TeeChart.NET Professional is incorporated in TeeChart.NET Standard - a feature matrix comparing the two can be found here. I mention this possibility to you as it would mean you having access to this fix in an official release of TeeChart.NET today if the TeeChart.NET Business edition is compatible with the functionality you require in your application.

Re: Zooming and scrolling issues in TeeChart.NET 4.1.2017.10194

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 11:04 am
by 15681044
Christopher wrote: The TeeChart.NET Standard (which is a synonym of the TeeChart.NET Business edition) is an official release of TeeChart.NET, just to be clear. If this particular version is sufficient for the need of the application you are working on, then you will be able to remove the Evaluation watermark by the addition of a TeeChart.licenses file to it - this licenses file can be obtained, without further cost to license holder of TeeChart.NET Professional, through the [email protected] address.

However, not all the functionality in TeeChart.NET Professional is incorporated in TeeChart.NET Standard - a feature matrix comparing the two can be found here. I mention this possibility to you as it would mean you having access to this fix in an official release of TeeChart.NET today if the TeeChart.NET Business edition is compatible with the functionality you require in your application.
Oops, it seems I completely misunderstood, since I'm used to go through the Client Access of the Steema website to download the latest exe of TeeChart.NET Professional.
Thank you for this information. I will already look into the features we use and see if the Business edition fits our needs then.

In the meanwhile, can you tell me when the next version of TeeChart.NET Professional might be released?

Re: Zooming and scrolling issues in TeeChart.NET 4.1.2017.10194

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 11:10 am
by Christopher
OMP wrote: Thank you for this information. I will already look into the features we use and see if the Business edition fits our needs then.
You're welcome.
OMP wrote: In the meanwhile, can you tell me when the next version of TeeChart.NET Professional might be released?
We are planning to move the releases of TeeChart.NET Professional over to a Standard-type release paradigm (evaluation version on Nuget, licenses file for activation), meaning that the next release is planned for around the middle of the second quarter of this year.

Re: Zooming and scrolling issues in TeeChart.NET 4.1.2017.10194

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 11:19 am
by 15681044
Christopher wrote: We are planning to move the releases of TeeChart.NET Professional over to a Standard-type release paradigm (evaluation version on Nuget, licenses file for activation), meaning that the next release is planned for around the middle of the second quarter of this year.
Ok, thank you for all the information.

Best regards,