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Regarding Bars and line plot issue

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 12:22 pm
by 9526439
HI Steema,

I am facing following problem.
I need to display a bar chart and a line series on same plot. Line series have different y axis points but we have same axis for X(bottom)
My line is not going from middle of Bars. Please see below snaps.
I need below type chart with 2 series bar and line.
x.png (7.26 KiB) Viewed 64527 times
I have fixed 6 point for line series and fix 6 bars but not able to generate plot like above image.

I have getting results like below image.
qq.png (23.04 KiB) Viewed 64527 times
Please help me.


Re: Regarding Bars and line plot issue

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 4:01 pm
by Christopher

this code:

Code: Select all

		private void InitializeChart()
			Bar bar = new Bar(tChart1.Chart);
			Line line = new Line(tChart1.Chart);
			line.Pointer.Visible = true;
			line.Pointer.InflateMargins = false;
			bar.Marks.Style = MarksStyles.Value;

			Random rnd = new Random();

			for (int i = 10; i < 100; i+=10)
				int y = rnd.Next(100);
				bar.Add(y, i.ToString());
here gives me the following chart:
TeeChartPro_2018-07-09_18-00-31.png (20.05 KiB) Viewed 64510 times

Re: Regarding Bars and line plot issue

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 4:11 pm
by Christopher
The same result can be obtained using this code:

Code: Select all

		private void InitializeChart()
			Bar bar = new Bar(tChart1.Chart);
			Line line = new Line(tChart1.Chart);
			line.Pointer.Visible = true;
			line.Pointer.InflateMargins = false;
			bar.Marks.Style = MarksStyles.Value;

			Random rnd = new Random();

			for (int i = 10; i < 100; i+=10)
				int y = rnd.Next(100);
				bar.Add(i, y);
				line.Add(i, rnd.Next(y));
giving me here:
TeeChartPro_2018-07-09_18-10-29.png (20.52 KiB) Viewed 64507 times

Re: Regarding Bars and line plot issue

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2018 8:14 am
by 9526439
Thanks you very much.
It helps.
