points on line

TeeChart for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Xamarin Studio (Android, iOS & Forms) & Monodevelop.
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points on line

Post by .net » Wed Jan 05, 2005 8:20 am

I want to invoke a label appereance while pressing a point (one of the
input points to chart) in the chart,how do I do it? and how do I know
someone pressed specific point on chart?
Thank you very much !

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Post by Pep » Wed Jan 05, 2005 11:03 am

I want to invoke a label appereance while pressing a point (one of the
input points to chart) in the chart,how do I do it?
How about using the MarksTip tool ?
someone pressed specific point on chart?
You can use the Clicked method, i.e (but in on mouseDown event) :

Code: Select all

private void tChart1_MouseMove(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
if (points1.Clicked(e.X,e.Y) != -1 ) 
textBox1.Text = points1.Clicked(e.X, e.Y).ToString();

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