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Enable TeeChart for .NET in website project
Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2021 7:29 am
by 20091735
I am new to Visual studio, .NET and TeeChart. I have issue to enable TeeChart license in my .NET website project (framework 4). I added "App_LocalResources" folder with the "Steema.resx" file from the website project in ... eb-samples and my TeeChart license in my project. However, the license is not enabled and the watermark still presents.
Besides, I tried with the website project from the link ... eb-samples and it is also not working for most of time (I did see the watermark disappeared for a few builds which I have no idea why). I tried to build and debug several times.
FYI, I have checked my license in and it is still valid. I have also go through the posts, ... 649#p76645 and ... c512f08649. I can't get any workable solution from them.
Will there be any files (eg. web.config etc) that I should edit to enable the license? Any other solutions? Thank you.
Re: Enable TeeChart for .NET in website project
Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2021 12:54 pm
by Christopher
I've just modified this
example so it can run with the latest version of TeeChart's NuGet. You may need to deinstall the NuGet first and then reinstall it to get it to work, as otherwise the necessary TeeChart.dll will not get put into the website's Bin folder.
Once you've got it running, you should see the watermark, i.e.

- Screenshot from 2021-09-20 09-57-58.png (93.21 KiB) Viewed 22224 times
The next step it to substitute in the content of the TeeChart.licenses file which you can find in the project
here. The content of the file in the repo is 'PExp' - you should replace this with the string you find in your valid TeeChart.licenses file (about 1925 characters). Now rebuild the project and run - here the watermark disappears:

- Screenshot from 2021-09-20 09-56-58.png (89.52 KiB) Viewed 22224 times
Re: Enable TeeChart for .NET in website project
Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 8:22 am
by Marc
In followup to this question. For a web project, generally older format web projects, where no AssemblyInfo.cs file is present, the TeeChart license file, "TeeChart.licenses", should be placed in the "App_LocalResources" folder.
Re: Enable TeeChart for .NET in website project
Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2021 2:25 am
by 20091735
In my web site project without assembly file, adding the license file in "App_LocalResources" folder doesn't remove the watermark. Is "Steema.resx" file needed to be put in App_LocalResource folder? Can we use the same "Steema.resx" file as the one from ... eb-samples or we have to create ourselves? FYI, the watermark still presents even I added the App_LocalResources folder with license file and "Steema.resx" file. I used the latest TeeChart version, 4.2021.8.23 and .NET framework 4.
Any other files that need to be modified? Thanks.
Re: Enable TeeChart for .NET in website project
Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2021 7:28 am
by Christopher
In my opinion, the first step is to ensure the example in my first message of this thread works for you using your licence without the watermark. It is not clear from what you say whether this is the case or not; can you please confirm that you can run this example without the watermark showing?
If you can, then this will help in enabling the license to correctly work in other examples. If you cannot get the example working, then I can see two possibilities:
- I haven't explained in enough detail the changes needed to make it work
- There is a configuration set on your machine that affects the website's execution
Can you think of any other possibilities?
Re: Enable TeeChart for .NET in website project
Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2021 11:52 am
by 20091735
The example in your first message of this thread (after your modification, using latest version TeeChart's NuGet) works (watermark disappeared). Besides, using the same project (the one before your modification, from ... eb-samples) also works after I updated TeeChart's NuGet to latest version. It is not working (watermark appears) using older TeeChart's NuGet version (4.2018.10.27 and .NET Framework 3.5).
My current issue is on my own web site project without assemblyinfo file. The license is not enabled (shows watermark) even I added "App_LocalResource" folder with "Steema.resx" and TeeChart license file, and upgraded to latest version TeeChart's NuGet (4.2021.8.23).
Thank you.
Re: Enable TeeChart for .NET in website project
Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2021 12:06 pm
by Christopher
vfc wrote: ↑Tue Sep 28, 2021 11:52 am
The example in your first message of this thread (after your modification, using latest version TeeChart's NuGet) works (watermark disappeared). Besides, using the same project (the one before your modification, from ... eb-samples) also works after I updated TeeChart's NuGet to latest version.
vfc wrote: ↑Tue Sep 28, 2021 11:52 am
My current issue is on my own web site project without assemblyinfo file. The license is not enabled (shows watermark) even I added "App_LocalResource" folder with "Steema.resx" and TeeChart license file, and upgraded to latest version TeeChart's NuGet (4.2021.8.23).
Did you send an example project that wasn't working to Marc, my colleague, or am I misremembering? Either way, if you could either upload a project to this forum or paste a URL to
a minimal, reproducible example then we can have a look at it here.
Re: Enable TeeChart for .NET in website project
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2021 7:43 am
by 20091735
I created another simple .NET website project that used Steema TeeChart and the license cannot be enabled as well. I sent an email to Marc with the project attached (do note that the content in TeeChart license file has been removed). The project is big and hence cannot be uploaded here. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Looking forward to you reply. Thanks.
Re: Enable TeeChart for .NET in website project
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2021 8:51 am
by Christopher
Can you please give me step by step instructions on how to create a project such as yours from scratch in Visual Studio 2022? I need these to be able to understand why there seem to be so many elements missing from it.
Re: Enable TeeChart for .NET in website project
Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 4:06 am
by 20091735
Sorry, I used Visual Studio 2019. My steps are listed in the attached Excel file.
Re: Enable TeeChart for .NET in website project
Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 11:31 am
by Christopher
I also have Visual Studio 2019 installed, and these are the project options it gives me:

- Screenshot from 2021-11-19 12-14-21.png (49 KiB) Viewed 21395 times

- Screenshot from 2021-11-19 12-10-02.png (74.75 KiB) Viewed 21395 times
As you can see, I do not seem to have the 'ASP.NET Empty Web Site' you use:

- Screenshot from 2021-11-19 12-27-58.png (16.82 KiB) Viewed 21395 times
Do you know where I can obtain this Visual Studio template from?
Re: Enable TeeChart for .NET in website project
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2021 12:56 am
by 20091735
I obtained it by searching in the same page as yours.

- image1.png (92.79 KiB) Viewed 21372 times
Can you check whether the tools/features I have are same with yours?

- image2.png (166.85 KiB) Viewed 21372 times

- image3.png (46.87 KiB) Viewed 21372 times
Re: Enable TeeChart for .NET in website project
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2021 9:33 am
by Christopher
Okay, got it - I was missing the 'Additional project templates (previous versions)':

- Screenshot from 2021-11-22 09-48-02.png (23.85 KiB) Viewed 21364 times
Which gives your empty project template:

- Screenshot from 2021-11-22 09-50-21.png (59.49 KiB) Viewed 21364 times
The solution to your problem therefore is to add an AssemblyInfo.vb file to your project:

- Screenshot from 2021-11-22 10-31-23.png (16.8 KiB) Viewed 21364 times
The AssemblyInfo.vb file should contain the following:

- Screenshot from 2021-11-22 10-32-14.png (5.21 KiB) Viewed 21364 times
Running the project now shows Charts without the watermark:

- Screenshot from 2021-11-22 10-27-39.png (68.7 KiB) Viewed 21364 times