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Web-api project license distribution on IIS

Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 3:00 pm
by 15693806
How can I distribute a license of a web-api project in IIS?
By launching the project in debug mode from the development system, the trend watermark is removed while it remains on the server.
I am using TeeChartWebDemo example with Steema.TeeChart.NET.4.2021.8.23 library.

Re: Web-api project license distribution on IIS

Posted: Mon May 30, 2022 12:56 pm
by Christopher
Hello Marta,

once you have the sample on the other thread working in Debug, you can publish it to IIS. The steps are:

1. Add an application to your IIS:
Screenshot from 2022-05-30 14-52-28.png
Screenshot from 2022-05-30 14-52-28.png (18.22 KiB) Viewed 7693 times
2. Modify the source code of Content.aspx.cs so it looks like this (make sure the 'webServer' variable has the same name as the IIS share):
Screenshot from 2022-05-30 14-35-55.png
Screenshot from 2022-05-30 14-35-55.png (195.97 KiB) Viewed 7693 times
3. Use Visual Studio to publish the app:
Screenshot from 2022-05-30 14-55-00.png
Screenshot from 2022-05-30 14-55-00.png (22.29 KiB) Viewed 7693 times
4. The app now runs in IIS without the watermark:
Screenshot from 2022-05-30 14-50-11.png
Screenshot from 2022-05-30 14-50-11.png (81.74 KiB) Viewed 7693 times

Re: Web-api project license distribution on IIS

Posted: Mon May 30, 2022 2:10 pm
by 15693806
Thanks so it works.
I have another question regarding this topic.
I have an old web-api application, I followed the example and added the various files for the license. In debug everything works but when I publish it I see the watermark.
I can't figure out what's missing to show the runtime license

Re: Web-api project license distribution on IIS

Posted: Mon May 30, 2022 2:23 pm
by Christopher
Mrt wrote:
Mon May 30, 2022 2:10 pm
Thanks so it works.
Great! Which means it does work if the configuration is right.
Mrt wrote:
Mon May 30, 2022 2:10 pm
I have another question regarding this topic.
I have an old web-api application, I followed the example and added the various files for the license. In debug everything works but when I publish it I see the watermark.
I can't figure out what's missing to show the runtime license
As I'm sure you can imagine, it is extremely difficult for me to try and infer what is going on in your project by looking at that image! Is there any way you can try and cut it down to something you can put in a zip file and post on here? We need to be able to reproduce your problem here to be able to help you, I'm afraid.

Re: Web-api project license distribution on IIS

Posted: Mon May 30, 2022 3:14 pm
by 15693806
You're right, I cut the application to the bone and saw that if I publish the watermark it disappears.
I didn't do this application but the problem at this point is of a different nature. I will investigate
Thank you

Re: Web-api project license distribution on IIS

Posted: Mon May 30, 2022 3:47 pm
by Christopher
Mrt wrote:
Mon May 30, 2022 3:14 pm
You're right, I cut the application to the bone and saw that if I publish the watermark it disappears.
I didn't do this application but the problem at this point is of a different nature. I will investigate
You're welcome. I'm glad to hear you managed to get that to work, please don't hesitate to contact us if you feel we can be of any further help.