Sample codes:
// Databinding
this.scalarChart.Series[seriesNumber].DataSource = dtChartData;
this.scalarChart.Series[seriesNumber].XValues.DataMember = dtChartData.Columns[1].ColumnName;
this.scalarChart.Series[seriesNumber].YValues.DataMember = dtChartData.Columns[3].ColumnName;
//Adding to legend
this.scalarChart.Series[seriesNumber].Title = TagName;
this.scalarChart.Series[seriesNumber].ShowInLegend = true;
The problem:
The last caption text in the legend is getting cut at the end. Please refer the attached pic.
Please suggest how to avoid the text getting cut? ( Note: I have tried appending a blank space at the end, but that also seems to have truncated automatically. have tried appending "\n". Did not work either)