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Plot Bubble Cloud Chart (in Gallery) using TeeChart .NET

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2023 6:32 am
by 20091735
Can I know how to plot the Bubble Cloud Chart in SteemaGallery using TeeChart .NET and C#? Can I have the codes for this chart?

You may find the chart in these links and
Attached the chart.
Steema Gallery - Bubble Cloud.png
Steema Gallery - Bubble Cloud.png (125.15 KiB) Viewed 6914 times

Re: Plot Bubble Cloud Chart (in Gallery) using TeeChart .NET

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2023 10:21 am
by Christopher

although not exactly that image, there's a bubble cloud example in our GitHub examples here. Running that example and navigating the menu on the left gives me:
Screenshot from 2023-04-06 12-15-26.png
Screenshot from 2023-04-06 12-15-26.png (118.75 KiB) Viewed 6908 times
Although this example is for the Business version of TeeChart, it will also work for the Pro version.

Re: Plot Bubble Cloud Chart (in Gallery) using TeeChart .NET

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2023 1:30 am
by 20091735

I am actually looking for chart which plots based on the points size, without axes hence the random position for points. Can I have the sample code of a chart where it only plots the points (bubbles) according to the size?

For example, the data is
Data.png (2.72 KiB) Viewed 6894 times
and the chart will be
Chart.png (13.73 KiB) Viewed 6894 times
The position of the points (bubbles) are random and placed automatically without overlapping each other. No x axis and y axis values. The Data/Label column will be used to label and distinguish the bubbles whereas the size of the bubbles are determined by the size column.


Re: Plot Bubble Cloud Chart (in Gallery) using TeeChart .NET

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2023 8:05 am
by Christopher

I can use the following code:

Code: Select all

        public Form1()

        private void InitializeChart()
            tChart1.Legend.Visible = false;
            tChart1.Header.Visible = false;

            var bcloud = new BubbleCloud(tChart1.Chart)
                UseColorRange = false,
                UsePalette = true,
                PaletteStyle = PaletteStyles.Strong
            bcloud.Add(14, "Data 1");
            bcloud.Add(10, "Data 2");
            bcloud.Add(18, "Data 3");
            bcloud.Separation = 3;
            bcloud.SizeRatio = 4;
            bcloud.Rotation = 180;
To produce this Chart:
Screenshot from 2023-04-11 12-09-29.png
Screenshot from 2023-04-11 12-09-29.png (34.47 KiB) Viewed 6857 times
Is this what you are looking for?