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Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 6:29 pm
by 9637797
I am designing MS Visual Studio .NET 2003 Form GUI's using MSVisual C++. We upgraded TeeChart from version 1 to version 2. Only our IS dept is authorized to install new software packages. My computer had both TeeChart Version 1 for .NET and Version 2. After reading your forum, Teechart version 1 and version 2 were uninstalled and TeeChart .NET version 2 was then re-installed.
I then built a MS C++ forms project with a TeeChart instantiated. I put the MS studio application and the teechart.dll from the release directory on a computer that did not have a TeeChart License. I could not launch the application. An Error occured at getlicense.
I then removed the license.licx from the project and even deleted it from the project directory and recompiled the project. I did not get a compile error as indicated on your website.
the license.licx file contains the text:
Steema.TeeChart.TChart, TeeChart, Version=2.0.2040.15119, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=9c8126276c77bdb7
Any suggestions on what I can do to correct the problem. I am able to launch a GUI with a TeeChart version 1 chart.
Thank you.
Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 1:39 pm
by Marc
Might it be possible that your project is compiling with an older version of TeeChart? You can check the properties (right mouseclick) of the teechart.dll in the bin output folder to see whether the version matches the version installed in the TeeChart installation folder.
Confirm too that there isn't an older version of TeeChart registered with the GAC and that the registry AssemblyFolders key contains the path of the current version of TeeChart.
Marc Meumann
Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 2:22 pm
by 9637797
Thank you very much for your advice.
I checked the properties (right mouseclick) of the teechart.dll in the bin output folder version which was version 2.0.2040.15119.
Our IS dept. checked the registry AssemblyFolders key and confirmed the path of the current version of TeeChart is okay.
The only step left is to confirm that there isn't an older version of TeeChart registered with the GAC.
I went to Tutorial 17 documentation (see below), but the link in the documentation did not work. Would you please send me the GAC information described in the link? Thank you.
TeeChart runtime Files
Your TeeChart application will need to be distributed with the TeeChart.dll and, if your application uses the Steema.TeeChart.Languages namespace, with the TeeChart.Languages.dll. You need to decide here whether to install these dlls locally, for example, in a bin directory underneath your application directory, register the folder in the AssemblyFolders registry key, or to install them in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC). Please follow THIS LINK to read up on how the GAC can facilitate the sharing of your TeeChart .Net Assembly between a number of different applications.
Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 3:18 pm
by Marc
Thanks for letting us know. The link was setup for Visual Studio 2002 and is invalid in later framework helps. We'll correct the error. The link was intended to point to a Microsoft help topic titled: "Install an Assembly into the Global Assembly Cache in Visual Studio .NET"
A quicker way to get the result might be to open a VSNET command prompt window (from within the Tools section of the VSNET2003 menu group) and type "gacutil /l teechart".
That will tell you if a version of TeeChart is registered in the GAC. As your other checks seemed to clear ok we'll take a look, in the meantime, to reproduce a VC++ application here with the current version of TeeChart to see whether we can reproduce the problem that's occurring.
Marc Meumann
Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 4:11 pm
by Marc
We've tried to reproduce license-deploy of a Winform application in .NET VC++. It failed with the symptoms you describe. I'm not sure why we don't have this issue documented and I'm sorry we took up your time on checks but here's the rundown for a solution....
Thanks to a post entitled "Work around for common VS.NET licensing bug (lc.exe)" by Tim Adler on microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.
My workaround is simple: Create a new solution, and within that a new
C# project, with the SAME application name as your C++ application.
Create a dummy form and drop each of the components needing licensing
onto this form. Or alternatively, edit the licenses.licx file that is
automatically generated to refer to each of the components. Then
build the application. Then navigate to the debug directory and copy
the "*.licenses" file into the base directory of your C++ application.
Then under the Project Options->Linker->Input->Embed Managed Resource
File setting of your C++ app, refer to this license file. Then do a
It works when tested here. We created a C# project of the same name as the C++ project (names most likely case conscious) and added a TeeChart (thus creating a licenses.licx file in the project). The project was compiled and the generated '**.exe.licenses' file moved from the project 'obj\ debug or release' folder to the root folder of the C++ project. The step with 'Embed Managed Resource' was followed and the project successfully compiled with license. Confirmed when tested on machine containing no license.
We'll be looking for a more direct route but that's a technique that should help. Please let us know if any particular step remains unclear. We'll add this to the TeeChart tutorials.
Marc Meumann
Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 3:13 pm
by 9637797
Thanks for your help,
I'll try the workaround and let you know if I have any more problems.
Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 7:32 pm
by 9637797
It worked.

Thank you very much for your help and for your product.
Will you please send me your help Documentation after it has been updated. We purchased 2 copies of Tee Chart v2 for .NET and I want to make sure the other developers are aware of the workarounds, eventhough they are Microsoft VS C++ .NET workarounds relating to all add-on components.
Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 8:11 am
by narcis
Hi jxv,
It worked. Thank you very much for your help and for your product.
You're welcome. We are glad to hear it worked.
Will you please send me your help Documentation after it has been updated. We purchased 2 copies of Tee Chart v2 for .NET and I want to make sure the other developers are aware of the workarounds, eventhough they are Microsoft VS C++ .NET workarounds relating to all add-on components.
Those updates will be included with next v2 maintenance releases which are freely available for v2 license holders at our Customer Download Area. So please be aware for those releases which will be anounced here and at our
version info web page.