Axis lables for small numbers/ small increments still not wo

TeeChart for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Xamarin Studio (Android, iOS & Forms) & Monodevelop.
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Axis lables for small numbers/ small increments still not wo

Post by FrancisP » Fri Feb 13, 2004 8:52 pm

Hi Marc/Chris/Pepe
I posted this question a couple of days ago under another heading (as a reply) and got no reaction at all, so I'll post it again as a new subject just in case it slipped past your attenton. Sorry for the duplication.

Just installed the new maintenance release 1.1.1499.42325. I had hoped the problem with small increments (see some of my previouse emails) would have been resolved with this new version. However, I still can't get the chart to show labels at small increments (see test code below)

Public Sub AddLine(chrt As TChart)
Dim cnt, Series As Integer,
Dim seri As New Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Line

chrt.Visible = True
chrt.Header.Text = ""
chrt.Text = "testing"
seri.Add(4, 5)
seri.Add(4.5, 5.000000000002)
End Sub

More seriously, it also won't show proper axis labels for small numbers (1E-15 or so). Often the axis doesn't show anything else than a 0 value. Changing the settings (e.g. label format, label increment) manually won't work either. This is probably all driven by the private 'MinIncrement' parameter (can't find any references to this (by now) known problem in the release notes). These label problems are starting to be serious so any suggestion would be welcome!


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Post by Marc » Tue Feb 17, 2004 11:05 pm

Hello Francis,

This item is still under review and there are modifications to be made. Some improvements may be madewith the current version via manual settings. Eg. The following plots successfully here:

Code: Select all

    Public Sub AddLine(ByVal chrt As Steema.TeeChart.TChart)
        Dim cnt, Series As Integer
        Dim seri As New Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Line

        chrt.Axes.Bottom.Increment = 0.25
        chrt.Axes.Left.Labels.ValueFormat = "0.############0"

        chrt.Visible = True
        chrt.Header.Text = ""
        chrt.Text = "testing"
        seri.Add(4, 5)
        seri.Add(4.5, 5.000000000002)
    End Sub
The current internal minAxisIncrement variable will most likely be made public in the next release.

Marc Meumann
Steema Support

Posts: 14
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Post by FrancisP » Wed Feb 18, 2004 5:58 am

Hi Marc,

Thanks for your reply, I'll be hanging out for the next maintenance release with the public MinIncrement (any idea when?) as I produce MANY plots and manual solutions are a pain....

There are two minor bugs I would like to bring to your attention:
1: labels shown at data points do not work correctly. Some of the labels does not show the actual label text but the Y value. Below a code snippet, labels () is a string array:

For cnt = 0 To UBound(arr, 1)
serie.Add(arr(cnt, 0), arr(cnt, 1), labels(cnt))

This is an intermittend problem and may have some links to the color problem of 'some points cannot be set to a color' others have mentioned

2: Some legend symbols do not end up inside the legend box but above it. Only the 'stick figure' symbols like cross, diagonal cross and star have that problem. The 'polygon symbols' like triangles, circles and rectangles are ok. If need be, I'll send you a screen dump.

Enough for today,


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Post by Marc » Thu Feb 19, 2004 12:59 pm

Hello Francis,

Thanks for the bug reports, we'll take a look.

Marc Meumann
Steema Support

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