Box plot automatic scales problem
Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 7:28 pm
I have just discovered an annoying bug. My application displays several box plots using UseCustomValues=true. Here's sample code:
Problem: The automatic scaling doesn't take into account the box location, only the outliers! This means that if the outliers lie only on one side of the box, the box will not be visible - it will be outside of the default axis range.
I have just spent a few hours hunting this one down
Michal Blazejczyk
I have just discovered an annoying bug. My application displays several box plots using UseCustomValues=true. Here's sample code:
Code: Select all
box1.UseCustomValues = true;
box1.Add( new double[] {9.1, 9.4, 10.1} ); // outliers only
box1.Median = 5.0;
box1.Quartile1 = 2.4;
box1.Quartile3 = 6.1;
box1.InnerFence1 = 2.1;
box1.InnerFence3 = 6.8;
box1.OuterFence1 = 1.5;
box1.OuterFence3 = 7.5;
box1.AdjacentPoint1 = 1.0;
box1.AdjacentPoint3 = 8.0;
I have just spent a few hours hunting this one down

Michal Blazejczyk