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ASP.NET Chart Event Q2

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 3:16 pm
by 8123134
One more question:

When handling for example a click series event in my ASP.NET
page, any changes to other controls on the page does not get
rendered! It seems that only the chart itself gets repainted

(I am using a GetChart.aspx page as the example show)

Why is this?

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 10:10 am
by Pep
Hi Jakob,

how can I reproduce the problem ? I've tried to reproduce the problem here using the latest Build 1.1.1499.42325, and the included WebForm example, placing a Label on the WebForm and changing the Text of the label in the OnClickSeries event and works as expected.
Could you please test it ?

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 12:40 pm
by 8123134
I have found what the problem is:

It is only possible to modidy controls that are located AFTER the chart control on the ASPX-page, presumably because they have not been rendered yet! If a move the label control that I try to modify and place it just before the chart control, it works. If I move it back to after the cart, it does not get rendered with the new value!!

How can I get around this? I dont use absolute positioning on my page, so I need (in this case) for the label to come before the chart


Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 1:20 pm
by Pep
Hi Jakob,

are you using the latest Build ? It seems to work fine here. I cannot reproduce the problem, could you please post one example in the steema.public.attachmentes newsgroup or sent me it directly to me ([email protected]) with which I can reproduce the problem "as is" here ?

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 2:12 pm
by 8123134
Yes I use the latest build (1.1.1499.42325)

I have sent you a sample that shows what I mean.
