Scatter plot efficiency and v3
Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 3:44 pm
I would like to know if any improvements were made to the efficiency (speed) of drawing scatter plots in v3 of TeeChart. A year ago when we were considering the purchase of TeeChart I was told that such improvements would probably be added in v3
I would like to know if any improvements were made to the efficiency (speed) of drawing scatter plots in v3 of TeeChart. A year ago when we were considering the purchase of TeeChart I was told that such improvements would probably be added in v3

(this is from an e-mail sent on May 11, 2006)With current TeeChart for .NET v2 released version it took about 14 seconds to draw 500000 points. We also tested the application using our current sources which included several performance optimization, and will be included with the next releases, and it took 4 seconds.
We are also working in a GDI non-managed canvas for TeeChart for .NET which may improve its performance.
I have compared this application with its TeeChart VCL for Win32 and VCL.NET equivalent. The Win32 application run in 78 milliseconds while VCL.NET took 203 milliseconds. This leads us to think that an important part of this time of performance is because of the known slowliness of Microsoft's .NET Framework compared to Win32.