Hatch pattern on Bar serie doesn't show up in legend

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Hatch pattern on Bar serie doesn't show up in legend

Post by FORAC » Tue May 04, 2004 7:21 pm

Hi, when you set an hatch pattern on a Bar serie, the legend item doesn't have the same hatch pattern.

In the editor, create a bar serie, add some data (I used random) and set an hatch in Series->Format->Pattern. Close the editor, the serie has the hatch, but the legend doesn't.

Another problem: return in the editor, go to Series->Format->Pattern->Hatch, and set a foreground color to the hatch. My hatch has a red background and a yellow foreground and was properly rendered in the hatch preview. Close the editor, the bars have a red/black hatch instead of a red/yellow hatch.

A last one: don't delete your bar serie and return in the editor. Create a new line serie, add some data and set its color to light blue (or any color other than red or black). You should see the new line serie while you are still in the editor. Everything should be in 2D, the bug won't be visible in 3D. Now go in the editor to Chart->Series and take a look at your legend. Mine has a black bordered red square (Series 0) and a light blue line below it (Series 1). Now, using the up arrow button, move the line serie to the first position in the series list. The legend updates accordingly, but the bar item (Series 1) is now a light blue bordered red square. Change the line serie color and the square border will be updated to that same color.

These 3 are not big problems, just annoying ones.

Have a nice day!

Yves St-Hilaire

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Post by Pep » Wed May 05, 2004 9:45 pm

Hi Yves,
These 3 are not big problems, just annoying ones.
Many thanks for the report I'm able to reproduce all of three here. We'll try to fix them for the next maintenance release.

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