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Can't display the chinses word in web chart!!!!
Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 11:17 am
by 8125487
Dear Sir/Miss
I just bought the version. But it can't display the chinses word in the TChart web form!
I did follow the simple to active the chinses word.
Do you have any simple or source code to display the chinese word!
Tchart support which chinese word type? Big5 or other
Please reply whether can or can't
Cliven Yong
Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 7:43 am
by Pep
Hi Cliven,
Tchart support which chinese word type? Big5 or other
Yes, it supports the Big5 – this all depends on in which encoding you save your .NET *.cs (or *.vb etc.) files. Open a .NET WinForm project, click on Form1.cs (or your form), go to File -> Save Form1.cs As… , click on the arrow next to the “Save” button and choose “Save with Encoding” … replace the existing file and you will see that BIG5 is one of the encoding options. All this means is that the client can type in Traditional-Chinese to the *.cs file and ser chart properties (e.g. tChart1.Header.Text etc.) and these properties will display the Chinese writing.
Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 11:25 am
by 8125487
Dear Sir/Miss
I did add the charset = Chinese Traditional (Big5) in my webform.
but the chinese word still do not show properly. but in my other webform component is display the chinese word. only the TChart is showing the funny word.
Hi! do you have any source code for the WebForm code behind.
In your demo programs all is C# application and just basic function is using + How Come? Serious I quite disppointed about this.
Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 9:07 am
by Chris
Hi --
I did add the charset = Chinese Traditional (Big5) in my webform.
but the chinese word still do not show properly. but in my other webform component is display the chinese word. only the TChart is showing the funny word.
Hi! do you have any source code for the WebForm code behind.
In your demo programs all is C# application and just basic function is using + How Come? Serious I quite disppointed about this.
Go to:
C:\Program Files\Steema Software\TeeChart for .NET v1\TeeChartForNET\WebFormVB
And open WebFormVB.vbproj. In the solution explorer make sure you have the "Show all Files" toggled. Open all aspx AND aspx.vb and save them with Unicode (UTF-8 with signature) - Codepage 65001 encoding.
Now add some Chinese characters to the codeline:
in the file WebForm1.aspx.vb and save and run the project.
I get the following results using the latest publicly available version of TeeChart running under IIS6.0:

Thank Alot
Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 10:29 am
by 8125487
Hi Chris
Really thank alot. Now I did successfully display the chinese word in the TChart.
Your solution make us move to next step. Really thank a lot.
We decide continue support Steema Product. Since you all provide great support!!