Using Transparency for a pie chart
Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 2:59 pm
When I try to set up a pie chart with transparency other then 0 and using rounded bevel - colors and slice borders are all messed up. Are you going to fix this issue?
Steema Software - Customer Support Forums
Code: Select all
Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Pie pie1 = new Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Pie(tChart1.Chart);
pie1.BevelPercent = 20;
pie1.Transparency = 60;
Code: Select all
Pie pie1 = new Pie(TChart1.Chart);
pie1.BevelPercent = 20;
pie1.Transparency = 60;
pie1.EdgeStyle = EdgeStyles.Curved;
Code: Select all
Pie pie1 = new Pie(TChart1.Chart);
pie1.BevelPercent = 20;
pie1.Transparency = 60;
pie1.EdgeStyle = EdgeStyles.Curved;
pie1.OtherSlice.Style = PieOtherStyles.BelowPercent;
pie1.OtherSlice.Value = 10;