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TeeChart for .NET [03 NOV 2008] RELEASE 3.5.3225.32183/4/5
Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 5:19 pm
by Chris
All binary and source code installers are now available from Steema's Customer Download pages accessible via:
The release notes for the build can be viewed at: ... elease.txt
Latest Version Breaks Out Application
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:28 am
by 9644371
We are having issues with the latest build. Is it possible to provide access to older builds for download?
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:31 am
by narcis
Hi keynetix,
Which are the issues you found? Which exact build number would you like to get?
Thanks in advance.
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:51 am
by 9644371
The issue we found I just posted on a different thread but it was that the behaviour in drawing a line series has changed so that lines which connect to points off the end of the visible axis do not get drawn. Previously these lines would be drawn.
The QA and testing has been done against version 3.5.3188.18565.
Unfortunately we only have the installer for the evaluation version of this build. We are now at the point of wanting to switch to the full version which we have purchased.
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 11:01 am
by narcis
Hi keynetix,
Ok, I'm going to look at this issue now and also send you an e-mail with the URL to download requested version.
Re: TeeChart for .NET [02 NOV 2008] RELEASE 3.5.3225.32183/4
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 11:41 am
by 13049886
Installer still has a disgusting quality. This is amateurish stuff produced on weekend.
1. Previous version didn't uninstalled and even didn't warn to user. (silent BACKUPing this unappropriated behavior, what If I made 3-rd update).
2. What difference and sense of having two installer for VS2005 and 2008, they installed into
same folder with the
same names. (I use VS2005 and 2008(but still for .NET 2.0) simultaneously)? What version of installer should I use for .NET 2.0, but I want to use it in VS2005 and VS2008 at the same time.
3. Installer executables. How I can differentiate them, for example September version from November. TeeChartNET3VSNET2005.exe and TeeChartNET3VSNET2008.exe didn't provide any file version numbers or any other tags.
Even in freeware Inno Setup I make better installers, with commercial tools (I guess you use Wise) this can be done with just several clicks, but user experience can significantly improve.
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 11:53 am
by 13049886
And the final shot.
Why installer require rebooting?

This is just .NET Library, not driver or some protection system(fw or antivirus). All VS instances was closed before installer running, and there is no any open handles to TeeChart components or directories.
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 4:15 pm
by narcis
Hi petro,
Thanks for your suggestions.
1. Previous version didn't uninstalled and even didn't warn to user. (silent BACKUPing this unappropriated behavior, what If I made 3-rd update).
You need to run the deinstaller first. Before installing a new version you need to go to Add/Remove programs and deinstall first.
2. What difference and sense of having two installer for VS2005 and 2008, they installed into same folder with the same names. (I use VS2005 and 2008(but still for .NET 2.0) simultaneously)? What version of installer should I use for .NET 2.0, but I want to use it in VS2005 and VS2008 at the same time.
You can customize the installation folder during the installation process.
3. Installer executables. How I can differentiate them, for example September version from November. TeeChartNET3VSNET2005.exe and TeeChartNET3VSNET2008.exe didn't provide any file version numbers or any other tags.
Even in freeware Inno Setup I make better installers, with commercial tools (I guess you use Wise) this can be done with just several clicks, but user experience can significantly improve.
You can rename the installers to whatever you like when downloading the files.
And the final shot.
Why installer require rebooting? Shocked This is just .NET Library, not driver or some protection system(fw or antivirus). All VS instances was closed before installer running, and there is no any open handles to TeeChart components or directories
TeeChart for .NET installer doesn't require rebooting. Can you reproduce this every time you run a TeeChart installer?
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 5:10 pm
by 13049886
Thank's for answers.
In your case you can reduce costs by not buying Wise and simply using self-extracting archives. Installer should be more intellectual to prevent customer from misusing. Now I need to do many manual actions to prove that all other developers in our projects use the same version of TeeChart that I use. TeeChart it is only one from more than 10 3-rd party components that we use.
For this time I didn't see any reason of having two installers for VS2005 and 2008. Assemblies compiled for .NET 2.0 at VS2008, work fine in VS2005, but even in some cases then they not work well, you always can bundle installers with VS2005 and 2008 version in different folders.
You can leave separate installers for 2008 and 2005 but in this case they should create different entries in Uninstall menu(now they overwrite one another and I can't uninstall previous) and will be great if they will be installed to different subfolders by default.
At installer start you can simply add check is it key presented at:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\TeeChart for .NET v3
Modify DisplayVersion subkey to include for example build date, for example "TeeChart for .NET v3 Nov 3", and during installation you can warn user about already installed product and suggest uninstall previous or install to separate folder. In this case it is easier to me and others customers to make faster deployment and avoid from mistakes.
3. Installer executables. How I can differentiate them, for example September version from November. TeeChartNET3VSNET2005.exe and TeeChartNET3VSNET2008.exe didn't provide any file version numbers or any other tags.
Even in freeware Inno Setup I make better installers, with commercial tools (I guess you use Wise) this can be done with just several clicks, but user experience can significantly improve.
You can rename the installers to whatever you like when downloading the files.
This is error-prone solution.
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 5:23 pm
by 13049886
I understand that all my proposals require some time to implementation, maybe you will find better solution, but I pass at least two updates of TeeChart .NET and didn't see any enhancements and each time update require from me too much manual work.
Maybe next build will be more intellectual I hope.
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 5:41 pm
by Chris
petro wrote:
For this time I didn't see any reason of having two installers for VS2005 and 2008. Assemblies compiled for .NET 2.0 at VS2008, work fine in VS2005, but even in some cases then they not work well, you always can bundle installers with VS2005 and 2008 version in different folders.
There are several reasons for shipping two installers, one for VS2005 and one for VS2008. They are:
1. VS2005 and VS2008 differ in the way Help v2 systems need to be registered with the IDE.
2. VS2005 and VS2008 differ in the way Components need to be added to the toolbox.
3. VS2008 is guaranteed to have support for WPF, therefore the VS2008 installer is shipped with TeeChart.WPF.dll and this Component is installed to the WPF designer toolbox.