Designer Crash in any component related to TeeChart

TeeChart for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Xamarin Studio (Android, iOS & Forms) & Monodevelop.
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Designer Crash in any component related to TeeChart

Post by Yacu » Mon Dec 29, 2008 5:26 pm

I've spent a few hours reproducing the parameters of a TChart component in an AX application in a .NET aplication with the corresponding NET element.

It was terrible to find that I apparently wasted my time as I got this error:

El diseñador no puede procesar el código en la línea 180: Me.TChart1.Axes.Bottom.Labels.Font.Size = 9 El código del método 'InitializeComponent' se genera mediante el diseñador y no se debe modificar manualmente. Quite cualquier cambio realizado e intente abrir el diseñador de nuevo.

At the time I was not working on the control, but I had lots of errors in the system designer (anything that referenced a steema object showed an error related to ambiguous names in the Steema namespace). Do you think I can recover my design?

This is my first experience with the .NET component having used the AX component for years without any trouble. Do you know what's going on?, I'm desperate. Thanks for your reply

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Post by Marc » Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:55 am


The issue here seems to relate to general working with .NET rather than a Chart issue. We recommend you create a few basic NET projects without and/or with TeeChart to familiarise yourself with syntax and rules for working with the NET environment. It may be worth going through some of Microsoft's NET tutorials before starting a TeeChart project.

Please note too that you could open TeeChart's example projects in C# and VB.NET for examples of use of the Chart.

We recommend that as a rule, you don't modify automatically created lines in the initialise ('InitializeComponent' ) part of the form. Typically, to work with TeeChart in VB.NET, create a new Windows Form project, drag a TChart from the Toolbox onto the form and compile and run. You should encounter no error at this stage. Click on the Form to select it at designtime and click on the 'lightning' icon in the IDE properties window to take you to the Form eventlist. From here select and double-click 'load' to create a formload event procedure in which you can add TeeChart code. Please consult TeeChart's tutorials and examples at this stage for working practices.

Many of the code lines for the AX version are runnable in NET after slight alterations to syntax. The NET component architecture is very similar to that of the AX version.

Marc Meumann
Steema Support

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Post by Yacu » Tue Dec 30, 2008 11:12 am

Though I'm not an expert, this is not my first projet in .NET and I know what you are talking about.

The problems do not start when I drop the TeeChart on the form, but rather when I edit the Chart properties -edit in context menu- (I have not been able to write a single line of code yet because of this problem) However, I'll immediately try to modify the properties programmatically.

Could you tell me which references are required in the project and which ones are not for a simple graph application?.

Thanks for your response

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Post by Yacu » Tue Dec 30, 2008 11:31 am

By the way, there is a problem with the page_autoscale files in the demoprojectvb .
You will find out by yourself, the name of one of the files is Page_autoescale instead of page_autoscale. After renaming the file, the demo it's working.

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Post by Yacu » Tue Dec 30, 2008 12:58 pm

I finally found out the problem had to do with declaring any imported namespace in the reference section of the project. Thank you

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Post by Marc » Tue Dec 30, 2008 5:14 pm


Page_autoescale instead of page_autoscale
Thanks for pointing that out. It has been corrected in the installer for the next update.

Steema Support

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