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show selected bar on gantt chart
Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 2:54 pm
by 13051613
Hello, i have this gantt charts in the same forms:
like you can see, i have selected 1 bar in the upper chart, this bar changes its color to darkgreen.
in the other chart, you can see that it's 1 bar selected (the same bar as in the upper chart).
look at this picture now:
another bar is selected, but in the second chart we can't see it because there are a lot of bars over it, in the same position.
how i can do that my selected bar will be show over the other bars?
Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 10:27 am
by yeray
Hi Pujol,
The gantts are shown taking in consideration their order in the series' valuelist. So, to show a gantt hided below another, you could swap the gantt for the first one. Here there is a method you could use:
Code: Select all
private void GantToFront(int ValueIndex)
double tmp = gantt1.StartValues[0];
gantt1.StartValues[0] = gantt1.StartValues[ValueIndex];
gantt1.StartValues[ValueIndex] = tmp;
tmp = gantt1.EndValues[0];
gantt1.EndValues[0] = gantt1.EndValues[ValueIndex];
gantt1.EndValues[ValueIndex] = tmp;
tmp = gantt1.YValues[0];
gantt1.YValues[0] = gantt1.YValues[ValueIndex];
gantt1.YValues[ValueIndex] = tmp;
Color tmpcolor = gantt1.Colors[0];
gantt1.Colors[0] = gantt1.Colors[ValueIndex];
gantt1.Colors[ValueIndex] = tmpcolor;
string tmpstring = gantt1.Labels[0];
gantt1.Labels[0] = gantt1.Labels[ValueIndex];
gantt1.Labels[ValueIndex] = tmpstring;
tmp = gantt1.NextTasks[0];
gantt1.NextTasks[0] = gantt1.NextTasks[ValueIndex];
gantt1.NextTasks[ValueIndex] = tmp;
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 12:34 pm
by 13051613
this code doesn't work with teechart v3 for visual basic .net
i have now this sub on my aplication:
Code: Select all
Private Sub gantttofront(ByVal valueindex As Integer)
Dim tmp As Double
Dim tmpcolor As Color
Dim tmpstring As String
tmp = Gantt1(0).X
Gantt1(0).X = Gantt1(valueindex).X
Gantt1(valueindex).X = tmp
' tmp = Gantt1(0).EndValues
' Gantt1(0).EndValues = Gantt1(valueindex).EndValues
' Gantt1(valueindex).EndValues = tmp
tmp = Gantt1(0).Y
Gantt1(0).Y = Gantt1(valueindex).Y
Gantt1(valueindex).Y = tmp
tmpcolor = Gantt1(0).Color
Gantt1(0).Color = Gantt1(valueindex).Color
Gantt1(valueindex).Color = tmpcolor
tmpstring = Gantt1(0).Label
Gantt1(0).Label = Gantt1(valueindex).Label
Gantt1(valueindex).Label = tmpstring
' tmp = Gantt1(0).NextTasks
' Gantt1(0).NextTasks = Gantt1(valueindex).NextTasks
' Gantt1(valueindex).NextTasks = tmp
End Sub
like you can see there are some lines comented with ' simbol
this lines doesn't work because the 'EndValues' and 'NextTasks' atributes is not avaiable on VB.Net version.
how i can do this?
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 1:20 pm
by 13051613
i have found the correct options.
it's ok.
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 2:29 pm
by yeray
Hi Pujol,
I'm happy to see you solved it!
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 5:09 pm
by 13051613
well, i have now a new problem, but i don't know if this is a bug or error on my code...
this is my code:
Code: Select all
Private Sub gantttofront(ByVal valueindex As Integer)
Dim tmp As Double
Dim tmpcolor As Color
Dim tmpstring As String
tmp = Gantt1.StartValues(0)
Gantt1.StartValues(0) = Gantt1.StartValues(valueindex)
Gantt1.StartValues(valueindex) = tmp
tmp = Gantt1.EndValues(0)
Gantt1.EndValues(0) = Gantt1.EndValues(valueindex)
Gantt1.EndValues(valueindex) = tmp
End Sub
this will change the startvalues and endvalues of the bar in position 'valueindex' and 0
i'm right?
well... i click on the bar that is marked with a red circle on the upper chart, then the program will execute the code to change bar values.
befor make the click we can see it:
after i do the click the bar change its Y value!!
there's an error on my code? or it's a bug?
thanks in advance

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 3:17 pm
by narcis
Hi Pujol1986,
I think this is a bug in your code. Besides changing StartValues and EndValues you should also change YValues, Labels and NextTasks as Yeray did in his example
Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 4:12 pm
by 13051613
Hi Narcís,
My code is not like Yerays example, i have wrotte only the code that i paste in my last post.
i only change the startvalues and the endvalues of two gantt bars.
i don't change the YValues, the labels or the nexttask.
The same code has been tested on aplication with manual datasource and it works.
My aplication datasource is a Oracle DataBase.
Thanks in advance.
Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 4:21 pm
by narcis
Hi Pujol1986,
i don't change the YValues, the labels or the nexttask.
I think that's the problem.
The same code has been tested on aplication with manual datasource and it works.
It may work by some lucky coincidence. However, I think this is the problem given the images you posted.
If this doesn't help please send us a simple example project we can run "as-is" to reproduce the problem here.
You can either post your files at news:// newsgroup or at our
upload page.
Thanks in advance.
Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 4:43 pm
by 13051613
Hi Narcís,
tomorrow i will do an example of the error and send it to steema.
I only change the startvalues and the endvalues because i commented the other lines to know in what line the error is.
Thank you
Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 8:59 am
by 13051613
Hi Narcís,
I'm working with oracle.
Can you test my aplication if i send you the tables scripts and data?
what did you need? the folder of the aplication?
thanks in advance.
Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 9:51 am
by narcis
Hi Pujol1986,
You could create a test data table at runtime as Christopher Ireland's example
You should send project files but it's not necessary to send compiled files ("bin" and "obj" folders).
Thanks in advance.
Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 9:56 am
by 13051613
I have done an aplication with oracle datasource and changed the startvalues and endvalues of two lines, and it WORKS!
i can't reproduce the bug in another project.
i'll check and test my code again to find the problem (i don't think that's a bug of TeeChart)
i'll post what was the problem when i found it.
Thanks for all.