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The horizontal grid lines are overlapped on right axes

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 5:51 pm
by 13052776

please see below image
overlapping3.JPG (13.32 KiB) Viewed 5733 times
for more clear picture please see this images
overlapping2.JPG (43.47 KiB) Viewed 5734 times
the horizontal grid lines (which are gray in color) are overlapping on the axes on the right side(black in color).
in 400% zoom the lines are more cleares and it looks like the right side axis is cutting.

please give us any solution so that we can resolve this defect.

thank in advance.

Re: The horizontal grid lines are overlapped on right axes

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 10:16 am
by 10050769
Hello Pradip,

I could reproduce your problem with last versions of TeeChartFor .Net, and I have conciderated add to list bug reports with number [TF02014289], we will try to fix it for next versions of TeeChart .NET.

On the other hand, I make a simple code that solve your problem,drawing directly in the canvas a line.Please check that next code works fine in your application.

Code: Select all

        private void InitializeChart()
          tChart1.Aspect.View3D = false;
          Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Line line = new Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Line(tChart1.Chart);
          tChart1.AfterDraw += new Steema.TeeChart.PaintChartEventHandler(tChart1_AfterDraw);

        void tChart1_AfterDraw(object sender, Steema.TeeChart.Drawing.Graphics3D g)
            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();
            rect = tChart1.Chart.ChartRect;
            g.Pen.Color = tChart1.Axes.Left.AxisPen.Color;
I hope that will helps.


Re: The horizontal grid lines are overlapped on right axes

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 10:12 am
by 13052776
hi Sandra,

thanks for the suggetion.

i had tried your code to resolve this problem, at first it looks ok, but if we zoom to 400 there are still small lines shows on the vertical right axes, which was not accepted at our end.

can you please let us know when you are planning next relaease?


Re: The horizontal grid lines are overlapped on right axes

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 10:51 am
by 10050769
Hello Pradip,
i had tried your code to resolve this problem, at first it looks ok, but if we zoom to 400 there are still small lines shows on the vertical right axes, which was not accepted at our end.
I couldn't reproduce your problem here, please you could send us a simple example project we can run "as-is", to reproduce the problem here? Now, you can attach your project direcly in forums post.
can you please let us know when you are planning next relaease?
Next TeeChart for .NET 2009 release is due out on week 33 (from 10th to 16th August). However, we can't promise this issue will be fixed for this release yet. A date for next TeeChart for .NET v3 release hasn't been fixed yet.

Also, we recommend you to be aware at this forum or subscribe to our RSS news feed ( for new release announcements and what's fixed on them.
