It is rare that I am the first in a forum

But now some words for my problems and small moanings: Since 5 years we're developed a client application with C++-Builder incl. TeeChart Pro & TeeTree, but since 1,5 years we can't change to BCB 6 because of there is no package of TeeTree 1.0x for BCB6. TeeTree 2.0 (Beta) has a bug at a function which we need of all things. Why is it so difficult, to produce an BCB6 package of version 1?
The old and new web page offered a 'TeeTree version 2 Source code update' (without any date) every time I look at . But when I logged in download section only "Last updated: Jan 14th 2003" appears.

Please set a date near the 'News'!
Nevertheless on I read:
'TeeTree VCL v1
Check "About" screen for version.
Latest version for Delphi 6,5 and C++ Builder 6,5,4: v1.03
For all other compilers latest version is v1.02'
I think this Page has a new layout, but not the right content
Where are this versions for CBB6? For CBB5 I have 1.04 from 2001!
On the download page for the registered users there are 1.05 versions for D5,6 and 1.04 for D5,6 CBB6. I think, it's all a little bit crazy

How does it go on with TeeTree and BCB?

with regards