Label Only 2D Point Series.

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Label Only 2D Point Series.

Post by 2DScatterPlot » Thu Jun 02, 2005 12:24 am

Hi Forum,

Would it be possible to have a 2D 'point series' where there are no points plotted but point labels only. I know this can be achieved with the existing point series, but when points are invisible and labels are dragged, the label positions are not saved unless the (invisible) point is moved with the label.

Ideally it would be nice to have;
- 2D XY Scatter (cartesian or polar) plot.
- Labels only get ploted and default plot would be the center of the label relative to its' width and height of the font.
- Each label within a series can have its' own font settings that are retained when the chart is saved in its' native format, and can be changed and saved at will.
- Attributes or properties of labels can be set at the series level, like font colour and font family, as well as at the individual level (mentioned above) like font size.
- Being label only plots, plotting points would be completely bypassed.
- Dragging labels would not be dependent on an "invisible point" to retain its position on a save.
- The chart legend would still remain the same as a typical 2D Scatter Plot legend.

Would this be possible?

Thanks for your consideration .NET Forum.


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Post by Pep » Thu Jun 16, 2005 11:08 am


this can be accomplished using Annotation tools (in conjunction with a invisible Point2D Series). You could create the necessary annotations and then set their position (using Shape.CustomPosition=true; Shape.Top and Shape.Left) relative to the Chart axes (the ones which you've defined using the fake point2D Series).
Then you will be able to setup a custom font, text, color, etc.. for each label (annotation) and also you can allow the user to drag them (using the Mouse events).

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