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TeeChart VCL v2010 BETA Release!
Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 11:16 am
by narcis
We are pleased to announce the availability of the TeeChart v2010 BETA. To access the downloads please go to the VCL public download area and follow the link to 'Evaluations'.
Please use the Steema Support BETA forum to send us feedback. You can use your evaluation user code to access the forums. BETA Forum at :
Re: TeeChart VCL v2010 BETA Release!
Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:39 pm
by 10545711
Just a quick question: Is a source code of this beta available to beta-testers? According to what I see at the download page, there are only pre-compiled time-limited binary versions. Beta-testing without source code is much less productive. Also I am always refraining from any use of components without source code.
If I recall correctly, previous beta-test included source code.
Re: TeeChart VCL v2010 BETA Release!
Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:56 pm
by 10545590
Hi Narcis,
You can use your evaluation user code to access the forums

Where can I get such a access code?
Actually I have no idea how to download the beta

Re: TeeChart VCL v2010 BETA Release!
Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 8:22 am
by narcis
Hello everyone,
Miket wrote:Just a quick question: Is a source code of this beta available to beta-testers? According to what I see at the download page, there are only pre-compiled time-limited binary versions. Beta-testing without source code is much less productive. Also I am always refraining from any use of components without source code.
If I recall correctly, previous beta-test included source code.
Yes, that's correct. A sourcecode version of the beta is not currently available, it is under review for possible addition to the beta program with a later update.
moelski wrote:Where can I get such a access code?
Actually I have no idea how to download the beta

As I explained in my post, you can get the keys filling in the form
Re: TeeChart VCL v2010 BETA Release!
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 4:56 pm
by 10545711
Thank you for clarification of the situation with the source code.
Hope it will be included to the next stage of beta testing. IMHO testing of something without source is not productive.
Re: TeeChart VCL v2010 BETA Release!
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 7:43 pm
by narcis
Hi Michael,
Thanks for your feedback and interest.
IMHO testing of something without source is not productive.
I'm curious about why is so necessary for you having the sources when testing a product in beta stage
Thanks in advance.
Re: TeeChart VCL v2010 BETA Release!
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 8:31 pm
by 10545711
It is simple:
1) Source code is the best possible documentation
2) If something goes wrong it is possible to find a workaround
3) Tester can indicate where and why the problem happened
4) a quick patch can be applied
... and so on
Previous beta included source code and it was very helpful.
I refrain from installing anything without source code. Sorry.
Re: TeeChart VCL v2010 BETA Release!
Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 1:03 am
by 9334475
Access to Eval. version is unavailable. System goes in circles: download->get password->dowload->get password...
Actually, I would like to see a TeeNew10.exe only. Is there a separate download of TeeNew10?
Re: TeeChart VCL v2010 BETA Release!
Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 9:04 am
by narcis
Hi odissey1,
We could reproduce the issue here. Please try cleaning your browser cookies and check if it works again. We will investigate what's going on here too.
Re: TeeChart VCL v2010 BETA Release!
Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 5:37 pm
by 9334475
It works now.
Must Delete cookies from Steema first.
To download in FireFox: goto: Tool->Options->Privacy->ShowCookies,scroll down to find 'steema' and delete it.
Re: TeeChart VCL v2010 BETA Release!
Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 5:39 pm
by 9334475
Why BETA for D2007 is 57MB in size, while BETA for D2010 is only 35MB?
Re: TeeChart VCL v2010 BETA Release!
Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 5:43 pm
by 9334475
I want to see only TeeNew10. After downloading a single TeeChart2010Delphi2007.exe I am afraid that simply executing it will destroy my existing TC. Can we install only TeeNew demo (without actually installing a BETA TC)?
Re: TeeChart VCL v2010 BETA Release!
Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 8:01 pm
by narcis
Hi odissey1,
Why BETA for D2007 is 57MB in size, while BETA for D2010 is only 35MB?
Because D2007 installer includes VCL.NET assemblies while D2010 doesn't as it doesn't support VCL.NET.
I want to see only TeeNew10. After downloading a single TeeChart2010Delphi2007.exe I am afraid that simply executing it will destroy my existing TC. Can we install only TeeNew demo (without actually installing a BETA TC)?
It will install v2010 packages to your IDE but you can easily reinstall previous packages running TeeInstall.exe available with your previous installation files (v8, v7, ...). If you still have the version shipped with Delphi you can also recover it enabling TeeChart packages in Windows\System32 folder and setting "Backup_TeeChart" folder at the search path list.
Re: TeeChart VCL v2010 BETA Release!
Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 2:05 am
by 10545995
In the Tee9New demo, there are two files (orgimage*.jpg) which should be located in the "Examples" subdir.
They are actually in the "Examples\Features" directory, and if not moved, the demo will hang when it tries to access them...
Re: TeeChart VCL v2010 BETA Release!
Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 12:25 pm
by narcis
Hi bookman,
Thanks for reporting. I just fixed this in Org_HtmlFormat.pas:
Code: Select all
procedure TOrgHtmlFormatForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
var tmp, tmp1,
i : Integer;
Img1, Img2 : String;
Chart1.Title.Visible := false;
Chart1.legend.Color := clBlue;
if not FileExists(Img1) then Img1:='./Features/'+Img1;
if not FileExists(Img2) then Img2:='./Features/'+Img2;
tmp := series1.Add('<CENTER><IMG WIDTH=50 HEIGHT=50 SRC="'+Img1+'"></CENTER>' +
'<br><b>John Smith</b><br>President');
tmp1 := series1.Add('<CENTER><IMG WIDTH=50 HEIGHT=50 SRC="'+Img1+'"></CENTER>' +
'<br><b>Brad Scarlet</b><br>Product Manager and Ivestor',tmp);
tmp2 := series1.Add('<CENTER><IMG WIDTH=50 HEIGHT=50 SRC="'+Img2+'"></CENTER>' +
'<br><b>Anne Smart</b><br>VP and Chief Financial Officer',tmp);
tmp3 := series1.Add('<CENTER><IMG WIDTH=50 HEIGHT=50 SRC="'+Img1+'"></CENTER>' +
'<br><b>Paul Patson</b><br>VP and Chief Financial Marketing',tmp);
series1.Add('<CENTER><IMG WIDTH=50 HEIGHT=50 SRC="'+Img2+'"></CENTER>' +
'<br><b>Esther Mercs</b><br>Operacions Director',tmp1);
series1.Add('<CENTER><IMG WIDTH=50 HEIGHT=50 SRC="'+Img1+'"></CENTER>' +
'<br><b>Jason Patson</b><br>Services',tmp2);
series1.Add('<CENTER><IMG WIDTH=50 HEIGHT=50 SRC="'+Img2+'"></CENTER>' +
'<br><b>Julia Simpson</b><br>Services',tmp3);
for i:=0 to Series1.Items.Count-1 do
with Series1.Item[i].Format do
TextFormat := ttfHtml;
Gradient.StartColor := RGB(57,107,166);
Gradient.MidColor := RGB(44,135,213);
Gradient.EndColor := RGB(111,174,228);
Gradient.Visible := true;
Pen.Visible := false;
Font.Color := clBtnFace;
BTW: Feel free to start a new thread on this forum for each new v2010 VCL related inquiry