Now when I start Delphi, I get a whole bunch of error messages like:
'Can't load package DclTee77.bpl. Cannot load package 'Tee77'. It contains unit 'TeeAbout' , which is aso contained in package 'tee70'.'
'Can't load package DclTree2D7Tee7.bpl. Cannot load package 'Tee77'. It contains unit 'TeeAbout' , which is aso contained in package 'tee70'.'
I have tried to remove package dcltee70.bpl (standard teechart) from the default package list before doing the install, but it does not help.
The QuickReport package is not installed, so I do not see where the problem comes from.
There is a post 'TeeChartPro D7 Installation Problem' from august 2004 that seems totally similar, and the suggestion there is:
'Basically, the problem is usually Delphi is still using/referencing one of the packages which requires old TeeChart version. In all cases the solution is to find offending package and replace it with version which was compiled/requires Teechart v7 i.e. *Tee77* packages.'
I think that for a component set that costs over EUR400, I am entitled to a bit more than that simple answer...
So, how am I supposed to proceed to identify the 'offending' package, without spending all night on it?