Licensing problem V1.1

TeeChart for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Xamarin Studio (Android, iOS & Forms) & Monodevelop.
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Licensing problem V1.1

Post by rhillebrand » Mon Mar 13, 2006 10:01 am


We have a problem with license.

I have read the tuturial, and also the threads. But still we get the licence exeption on the runtime.

At the moment we dit the following steps.
- Include the licence.licx file into the project (web project), and also in our chart object. (include existing item, pick the licence.licx file from the sample (6/28/2005).
In the tuturial is the following written
You can add it by selecting the project in the VS.NET Solution Explorer and right mousebutton clicking for 'Add | AddExisting Item' with File type 'All files' and selecting 'Utils.Licx'.
Here we can't find Utils.Licx only licence.licx.

- Check the key in the registry is present.
- Also download the Teereg.exe end register the license.
- Dragged and deleted a chart to the form so as writen in the tuturial.
Adding license support to older 'non-licensed' projects
Note that for Form applications created with a previous version of TeeChart, where the Licenses file does not exist you can quickly generate it by dragging a Chart from the Steema section of the Tool palette onto any of the project's forms, and afterwards deleting it. The newly dragged Chart provokes the IDE into adding the Licenses.licx file.
We looked ath manifest but dit not find any thing. We find

Code: Select all

.mresource public HDB.UCMS.Graph.dll.licenses
Can you help me to solve this problem

With regards,

Roland Hillebrand

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Post by Marc » Mon Mar 13, 2006 11:27 am

Hello Roland,

Re. 'All files' and selecting 'Utils.Licx'.

Thanks for pointing that out. Sorry, it's a typographic error. It should read 'All files' and selecting 'Licenses.Licx'. We'll correct it for the next update.

- What type of project/application are you designing?
- What version of TeeChart are you using?
- You mention you tested dragging a Chart to a form. If that is done with no prior licenses.licx file present in the project does it generate the file?
- Once licenses.licx is present, when you runtime test on the same machine where the application is being designed (testing by temporarily modifying the registry key value as below), does the compiled exe run correctly?

To test runtime license in designtime machine, temporarily rename following key contents:
TeeChart for .NET v1:
"DesignKey"="Steema.TeeChart.TChart is a licensed component."
change to:
"DesignKey"="xxSteema.TeeChart.TChart is a licensed component."

TeeChart for .NET v2:
"DesignKeyV2"="Steema.TeeChart.TChart is a licensed component."
change to:
"DesignKeyV2"="xxSteema.TeeChart.TChart is a licensed component."


Marc Meumann
Steema Support

Posts: 36
Joined: Fri Sep 05, 2003 4:00 am

Post by rhillebrand » Mon Mar 13, 2006 11:36 am


Thanks for the quick response.

We are creating a ASP.NET 2003 project. In this project we have a c# Class Graph to create the Chart. In this class project and the webproject is the licx file present.

Version is :
Release Notes June 2005
TeeChart.NET Version 1
Build 1.1.2004.16592

If we change the registry key we get the same error on the development machine.

With regards,

Roland Hillebrand

Posts: 36
Joined: Fri Sep 05, 2003 4:00 am

Post by rhillebrand » Mon Mar 13, 2006 4:04 pm


Can we see in the DLL that the licence file is inplace, ie. with IlDasm.

With regards,

Roland Hillebrand

Posts: 36
Joined: Fri Sep 05, 2003 4:00 am

Post by rhillebrand » Tue Mar 14, 2006 1:27 pm


Can we install the development key on the runtime machine without any problems. We tried a lot, but nothing seems to work.

Please advise us where to look..

With regards,

Roland Hillebrand

Posts: 36
Joined: Fri Sep 05, 2003 4:00 am

Problem with licenses.licx !!!!!

Post by rhillebrand » Wed Mar 15, 2006 8:51 am


When we installed the update build release we get the following info in the licenses.licx file.
Steema.TeeChart.Web.WebChart, TeeChart, Version=1.1.2004.16592 ....
The chart object is version : 1.1.2259.29262

Can this be the problem with the licence on a run time (on a other machine then the where is on development).

If we add the licenses.licx file to our own C# class project : the info stays the same must this not be changed into the info of above.
Steema.TeeChart.Chart, TeeChart
Steema.TeeChart.TChart, TeeChart
Steema.TeeChart.Web.WebChart, TeeChart
In our Web project the licenses.licx will not be created any more when we drag a tchart from toolbox on the page. This has worked before but with the info above (wrong version).

Is there some dependency ?

Plz provide us from some pointers, because this becoming annoying ...

With regards,

Roland Hillebrand

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Post by Marc » Wed Mar 15, 2006 10:01 am

Hello Roland,

We tested the following steps with the latest update release (1.1.2259.29262). We created a new WebForm project. We got the same result as you dragging TeeChart's WebChart onto a WebForm, ie. it did not create the licenses file. I can't explain that straight off but it is easily workaroundable.

Dragging a TeeChart onto a WinForm does generate the file, so we added that same Licenses.licx file to the WebForm project, checking the file be marked as an embedded resource. Contents:
Steema.TeeChart.TChart, TeeChart, Version=1.1.2259.29262, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=9c8126276c77bdb7
We then compiled the project, modified the designtime registry key to simulate a runtime installation and the project URL with Chart on WebForm ran successfully.

Please could you repeat the steps above to check that our results agree on that basic test.

If not please check:
- That the project TeeChart.dll reference matches the latest build number: 1.1.2259.29262 in the property window
- That there is no version of TeeChart registered with the GAC (can run:

Code: Select all

gacutil /l teechart
from the VSNET command window)
- That there are no other versions of TeeChart.dll in the machine that could be being picked up by the project.

If the WebForm project checks out ok we'll need to followup on the differences to your own project. You mention in an earlier post "we have a c# Class Graph to create the Chart". Is that an .ascx based Chart?

With thanks.
Marc Meumann
Steema Support

Posts: 36
Joined: Fri Sep 05, 2003 4:00 am

Post by rhillebrand » Wed Mar 15, 2006 10:28 am


Run time still problems.

We did the following.
Steema.TeeChart.TChart, TeeChart, Version=1.1.2259.29262, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=9c8126276c77bdb7
Created Tchart on a webform and the file is created,
this file have we copied to the web project and the class project.
We then compiled the project, modified the designtime registry key to simulate a runtime installation and the project URL with Chart on WebForm ran successfully.
We get now on compile the following error :
licenses.licx Could not transform licenses file 'licenses.licx' into a binary resource. (1) : error LC0004 : Exception occured creating type 'System.ComponentModel.LicenseException'
Looks good.

There is no error when we corrected the designtime registry Key, and the compile looks good.

We modified the key again and run the compiled version but then we get the same error as on the runtime machine. So it looks like the lic is not compiled into the dll's.

Runtime machine also the error.
If the WebForm project checks out ok we'll need to followup on the differences to your own project. You mention in an earlier post "we have a c# Class Graph to create the Chart". Is that an .ascx based Chart?
The object is a class wich formats the Webchart (input the webchart, return the formated with data webchart).

It looks like the error is not on this class but on the tchart object. It gives the error by the line where the Webchart is defined in the HTML <tchart:webchart .../>

More info.

In the bin dir is a TeeChart. version : 1.1.2259.29262
Must there be a licence.licx on the runtime machine.

with regards,

Roland Hillebrand

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Post by Marc » Wed Mar 15, 2006 10:53 am

Hello Roland,

We get now on compile the following error :
licenses.licx Could not transform licenses file 'licenses.licx' into a binary resource. (1) : error LC0004 : Exception occured creating type 'System.ComponentModel.LicenseException'

Looks good.

There is no error when we corrected the designtime registry Key, and the compile looks good.

We modified the key again and run the compiled version but then we get the same error as on the runtime machine. So it looks like the lic is not compiled into the dll's.
At this stage you are running your basic test WebForm from a URL on a browser. You have tried the same URL as when running the project in debugmode at designtime? To check that I have understood correctly, the URL in debug (with designkey in place) works ok. The same URL, same machine, at runtime (designkey modified) fails.

That being the case, could you confirm the other checks?
- That the project TeeChart.dll reference matches the latest build number: 1.1.2259.29262 in the property window
- That there is no version of TeeChart registered with the GAC (can run:
"gacutil /l teechart" from the VSNET command window)
- That there are no other versions of TeeChart.dll in the machine that could be being picked up by the project.

Do any other teechart.dll versions exist on the development machine?

Steema Support

Posts: 36
Joined: Fri Sep 05, 2003 4:00 am

Post by rhillebrand » Wed Mar 15, 2006 11:04 am

Hello Marc,
At this stage you are running your basic test WebForm from a URL on a browser. You have tried the same URL as when running the project in debugmode at designtime? To check that I have understood correctly, the URL in debug (with designkey in place) works ok. The same URL, same machine, at runtime (designkey modified) fails.

That being the case, could you confirm the other checks?
- That the project TeeChart.dll reference matches the latest build number: 1.1.2259.29262 in the property window
- That there is no version of TeeChart registered with the GAC (can run:
"gacutil /l teechart" from the VSNET command window)
Output ..
  • C:\Program Files\Common Files\SYSTEM\MSMAPI\1043>gacutil /l teechart

    Microsoft (R) .NET Global Assembly Cache Utility. Version 1.1.4322.573
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1998-2002. All rights reserved.

    The Global Assembly Cache contains the following assemblies:

    The cache of ngen files contains the following entries:

    Number of items = 0
- That there are no other versions of TeeChart.dll in the machine that could be being picked up by the project.
How to check ?
Do any other teechart.dll versions exist on the development machine?
Yes in older projects but the are not interfering with this project.

With regards,

Roland Hillebrand

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Location: Girona

Post by Marc » Wed Mar 15, 2006 11:20 am

Hello Roland,

Hmmm... difficult one to resolve.

Could you please zip up the contents of the test project (with bin folder though the .pdb file isn't necessary) and post it to the attachments newsgroup:


Please confirm that the test project's last compile before zipping is a successful one without any reported license error.

Steema Support

Posts: 36
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Post by rhillebrand » Wed Mar 15, 2006 12:08 pm

Marc wrote:Hello Roland,

Hmmm... difficult one to resolve.

Could you please zip up the contents of the test project (with bin folder though the .pdb file isn't necessary) and post it to the attachments newsgroup:


Please confirm that the test project's last compile before zipping is a successful one without any reported license error.

File is posted

With regards,

Roland Hillebrand

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Post by Marc » Wed Mar 15, 2006 12:34 pm

Hello Roland,

Thanks for posting the test project.

I can confirm that:
- your compiled dll fails with a license error
- that recompiling the project on this machine resolves the error

The only change I made before compiling was to re-setup the teechart.dll reference of the project to the locally installed teechart.dll file.

Checking any project differences afterwards shows up only one source difference, resetting the dll reference had removed the following line from the .csproj file:
AssemblyFolderKey = "hklm\dn\teechart"
Please remove that line from the project .csproj file and recompile to check.

Steema Support

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Post by Marc » Wed Mar 15, 2006 12:42 pm a followup

if you have a teechart.dll other than the TeeChart version you are using pathed under the registry's:
please remove the AssemblyFolder entry or update it to the path of the required version of TeeChart.

Steema Support

Posts: 36
Joined: Fri Sep 05, 2003 4:00 am

Post by rhillebrand » Wed Mar 15, 2006 1:18 pm

Marc wrote:Hello Roland,

Thanks for posting the test project.

I can confirm that:
- your compiled dll fails with a license error
- that recompiling the project on this machine resolves the error

The only change I made before compiling was to re-setup the teechart.dll reference of the project to the locally installed teechart.dll file.

Checking any project differences afterwards shows up only one source difference, resetting the dll reference had removed the following line from the .csproj file:
AssemblyFolderKey = "hklm\dn\teechart"
Please remove that line from the project .csproj file and recompile to check.

For the test project did this the trick but for mine project not i still get the following error :

Serverfout in toepassing /HDB.UCMS.Web.

Er is een exemplaar van type Steema.TeeChart.Chart gemaakt en voor type Steema.TeeChart.Chart is geen geldige licentie verleend. Neem voor meer informatie contact op met de fabrikant van het onderdeel.
Beschrijving: Er is een onverwerkte uitzondering opgetreden tijdens het uitvoeren van de huidige webaanvraag. Raadpleeg de stacktracering voor meer informatie over deze fout en de oorsprong ervan in de code.

Details van uitzondering: System.ComponentModel.LicenseException: Er is een exemplaar van type Steema.TeeChart.Chart gemaakt en voor type Steema.TeeChart.Chart is geen geldige licentie verleend. Neem voor meer informatie contact op met de fabrikant van het onderdeel.

Fout in bron:

Regel 93: </table>
Regel 94: </div>
Regel 95: <div id="div_graph30Dagen" onmouseout="hideddrivetip()" runat="server"><tchart:webchart id="graph30Dagen" runat="server" Width="1020px" Height="150px" Config="AAEAAAD/////AQAAAAAAAAAMAgAAAAhUZWVDaGFydAwDAAAADlN5c3RlbS5EcmF3aW5nBQEAAAAVU3RlZW1hLlRlZUNoYXJ0LkNoYXJ0GAA
Regel 96: AutoPostback="False" TempChart="Session"></tchart:webchart></div>
Regel 97: <p></p>

Bronbestand: D:\Project\Klanten\Heineken\UCMS\HDB.UCMS.Web\GrafiekOverzicht.aspx Regel: 95


[LicenseException: Er is een exemplaar van type Steema.TeeChart.Chart gemaakt en voor type Steema.TeeChart.Chart is geen geldige licentie verleend. Neem voor meer informatie contact op met de fabrikant van het onderdeel.]
System.ComponentModel.LicenseManager.Validate(Type type, Object instance)
ASP.GrafiekOverzicht_aspx.__BuildControlgraph30Dagen() in D:\Project\Klanten\Heineken\UCMS\HDB.UCMS.Web\GrafiekOverzicht.aspx:95
ASP.GrafiekOverzicht_aspx.__BuildControldiv_graph30Dagen() in D:\Project\Klanten\Heineken\UCMS\HDB.UCMS.Web\GrafiekOverzicht.aspx:95
ASP.GrafiekOverzicht_aspx.__BuildControlfrmBrouwen() in D:\Project\Klanten\Heineken\UCMS\HDB.UCMS.Web\GrafiekOverzicht.aspx:85
ASP.GrafiekOverzicht_aspx.__BuildControlTree(Control __ctrl) in D:\Project\Klanten\Heineken\UCMS\HDB.UCMS.Web\GrafiekOverzicht.aspx:1
ASP.GrafiekOverzicht_aspx.FrameworkInitialize() in c:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\Temporary ASP.NET Files\hdb.ucms.web\07d96d03\356f3b45\idajtpj9.0.cs:0
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) +87

Versiegegevens: Microsoft .NET Framework Versie:1.1.4322.2032; ASP.NET Versie:1.1.4322.2032

Can it to do somethings with dat we have a c# class as a project reference and not as file reference.

Iam looking futher in this problem ...
I will be back..

With regards.
Roland Hillebrand

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