Licensing problem V1.1

TeeChart for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Xamarin Studio (Android, iOS & Forms) & Monodevelop.
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Post by rhillebrand » Wed Mar 15, 2006 1:24 pm

Follow up.

If we compile the project with file reference there is no problem. So how can we use the reference by project. Where must we place the licx file.

With regards,

Roland Hillebrand

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Post by Marc » Wed Mar 15, 2006 2:54 pm

Hello Roland,

That's a WebForm project with a reference to a another project in the solution that contains a class that loads TeeChart?
(for us to be able to reproduce it here). What type of project is the referenced project?

Generally speaking Licenses.licx should exist in the project at last level compile. So if for example you were to create a dll that uses TeeChart and to load that into a Winform project, then Licenses.licx should exist at the Winform project level. If the project format is differs from that then I recommend you temprorarily test with Licenses.licx at each level.


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Post by rhillebrand » Thu Mar 16, 2006 10:20 am


The project exist of a main webproject and several other class projects.

One of them is the Graph Class. This class has a reference to a Teechart object.

This Class is used to markup the complete chart, also wih the data.
It retrieves the data form a other class wich has a connection to the database. This class project is referenced by project. If we switch to Reference by file then the problem is solved after we removed the line form the project file.

At the moment are we working on the Graph class and the webproject, so we have to use the project reference.

In the documentation of microsoft the say you must set the licenses.licx file in the obj dir. We did this and also on all other dir's without luck.

If you have a solution for this problem let me know, if we have breaked the problem we let you know.

For the meanwhile we can work with the work around.

With regards,

Roland Hillebrand

Posts: 36
Joined: Fri Sep 05, 2003 4:00 am

Post by rhillebrand » Thu Mar 16, 2006 12:06 pm


We have the problem solved on the run time client.
Here are the steps :

We have to use the LC.exe util from microsoft.
LC /target:<classname>.dll /complist:licenses.licx

If you get a problem like LC error:
(Because the entry contains a PublicKeyToken, LC only looks for the assembly in the same folder LC.exe is in and the Global Assembly cache (GAC).)
To solve this problem there are 3 solutions:
• Make sure <classname>.dll and LC.exe are in the same directory
• Adjust licenses.licx so that the entries only contain the class
• Place <classname>.dll into the GAC.

There is now a file <classname>.licences.dll
If we copy this file into the web application the error has been solved.

If we don't copie this file there is the object reference not set exception.

With regards,

Roland Hillebrand

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Post by Marc » Fri Mar 17, 2006 3:19 pm

Hello Roland,

Thanks for the update, useful to know. We'll add the information to the tutorial reference to help minimise future problems.

Steema Support

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