Multiline Series Marks display improperly

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Multiline Series Marks display improperly

Post by MTB » Wed Nov 19, 2003 8:34 pm

I have noticed three issues with series marks.

1. When using a long text string, the text extends beyond the borders of the label.

2. When using multiline marks (I insert a "\n"), the 2nd line is sometimes, but not always, displayed below the label. It looks like it is not part of the mark because it is outside the label border, but it moves with the mark.

3. Multiline marks near the top of the chart are sometimes displayed mostly out of view. Part of the label and text are outside the top border of the chart.

Are these known issues? Thanks.

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Post by Pep » Fri Nov 21, 2003 11:55 am

>1. When using a long text string, the text extends beyond the borders of >the label.
Yes, you are correct, I'm able to reproduce the problem. I've added it on our defect list and a fix for it will be considered to inclusion for the next maintenance releases. In meantime you could use multiline marks.

>2. When using multiline marks (I insert a "\n"), the 2nd line is >sometimes, but not always, displayed below the label. It looks like it is >not part of the mark because it is outside the label border, but it moves >with the mark.
I cannot reproduce the problem here, could you please post the code with which I can reproduce the problem "as is" here ?

>3. Multiline marks near the top of the chart are sometimes displayed >mostly out of view. Part of the label and text are outside the top border >of the chart.
This is as designed. However you can customize the position of the Marks (see help for details ), or if you prefer you can use the Clip method (line1.Marks.Clip = true;) which will give you a diferent effect (Marks inside the ChartRect).

Josep Lluis Jorge

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Post by MTB » Fri Nov 21, 2003 1:58 pm

Thank you!

>2. When using multiline marks (I insert a "\n"), the 2nd line is >sometimes, but not always, displayed below the label. It looks like it is >not part of the mark because it is outside the label border, but it moves >with the mark.
I cannot reproduce the problem here, could you please post the code with which I can reproduce the problem "as is" here ?

-- Yes, I will send a demo project.

>3. Thanks for your tips. I'll try these other settings.

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Post by MTB » Mon Nov 24, 2003 2:17 am

>2. When using multiline marks (I insert a "\n"), the 2nd line is >sometimes, but not always, displayed below the label. It looks like it is >not part of the mark because it is outside the label border, but it moves >with the mark.
I cannot reproduce the problem here, could you please post the code with which I can reproduce the problem "as is" here ?

I have made a demo project showing this. I will send it to you now.

Here are a few other things I learned about this problem:
1. It is related to the DragMarks tool.
2. In order to reproduce this problem, just drag a mark to a new location and then expand the text in the mark.
3. There is also a 2nd defect related to DragMarks. This demo project shows it too. This issue is seen when switching pages after dragging a mark. The dragged mark remains visible on the new page even though the point it belongs to has moved off the page.

When you get my demo, just build it and run it. Then while it is running, choose a small mark (before much expanded text has been added) and drag it to the middle of the chart area. Then watch and you will see both defects:
A. text spills over outside the Mark's label border
B. The dragged Mark stays on screen after changing pages

There is also a 3rd defect I just noticed while watching this demo -- the dragged Mark is also too big if the text changes to a smaller size. It's really the flip side of the same issue as the text spilling over when the text expands.

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Post by MTB » Mon Nov 24, 2003 2:29 am

In my demo, there are 2 types of Marks. Ignore those with just the dates.
In fact, in the method SetMarkedPointsAndLabels, just comment out the follow line and the demo will be even more clear.

//remove this line
markedPoints = r.NextDouble() > 0.99? true: false;

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Post by Pep » Tue Nov 25, 2003 1:28 pm

>I have made a demo project showing this. I will send it to you now.
Received !

>Here are a few other things I learned about this problem:
>1. It is related to the DragMarks tool.
>2. In order to reproduce this problem, just drag a mark to a new >location and then expand the text in the mark.

Yes, you are correct, it's a bug. I've also added it on our defect list to be considered for the next maintenance releases.

>3. There is also a 2nd defect related to DragMarks. This demo project >shows it too. This issue is seen when switching pages after dragging a >mark. The dragged mark remains visible on the new page even though >the point it belongs to has moved off the page.
>B. The dragged Mark stays on screen after changing pages
True. Since series marks custom positions are expressed in screen pixels,
they stay the same if you zoom/scroll. A workoarund is to express and store series marks positions in axis values (doubles) and then in one of the TChart events read and translate these values back to screen pixels. This way custom positions will be updated with zoom/scroll (whenever chart is repainted).

>There is also a 3rd defect I just noticed while watching this demo -- the >dragged Mark is also too big if the text changes to a smaller size. It's >really the flip side of the same issue as the text spilling over when the >text expands.
Yes, it's related to the bug (2).

Josep Lluis Jorge

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the "Issue Tracker"

Post by MTB » Tue Nov 25, 2003 1:57 pm

Thank you for your reply.

>Yes, you are correct, it's a bug. I've also added it on our defect list to be
>considered for the next maintenance releases.

I don't see anything in the "Issue Tracker" section of this support web for any of the dot net defects. How do they get added to the issue tracker? Is there something I need to do on my end?

>A workoarund is to express and store series marks positions in axis
>values (doubles) and then in one of the TChart events read and
>translate these values back to screen pixels.

Can you provide me with an example of this? Thanks.

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Post by Pep » Tue Nov 25, 2003 10:52 pm

>I don't see anything in the "Issue Tracker" section of this support web >for any of the dot net defects. How do they get added to the issue >tracker? >Is there something I need to do on my end?

We're working on this. For the moment there are not available all the issues/wishes. I think it will be ready soon.

>Can you provide me with an example of this? Thanks.
I'm sorry, you can solve this simply adding the following line after the page is changed :


Josep Lluis Jorge

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