I develop under BCB5Pro and I use TeeChart Pro v7.07 with sources.
I develop two applications.
In the first, I have no problem with TeeChart.
But in the second, I can not compile and I have this error in TeCanvas.hpp :
(this is a translation from french and I am not a star in english, sorry)Error E2091 : Functions can not return arrays or functions
And the IDE opens TeCanvas.hpp and places the cursor on line 831 where there is this code line :
Code: Select all
virtual void __fastcall DeleteBitmap(void);
I check (in .BPR file) there are no reference of older teechart composant (v4) installed with BCB and it is clean.
The configuration is the same for these two applications

If I comment this line, it's OK but I am afraid to disturb the component.
I found on internet newsgroup that DeleteBitmap is a macro defined in windowsx.h
Can you help me ?