Documentation and Legends

TeeChart for ActiveX, COM and ASP
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Post by Pep » Tue Nov 25, 2003 6:21 pm

Hi Marshall,

>The documentation seems to be woefully lacking in how to develop ASP
>code. I can't even find decent material on methods and properties.
Have you seen the Tutorials, and help files ? You should find all the methods and properties that can be used.

>There doesn't seem to be a cenrtal listing of them with code examples.
>The ASP example is pretty spartan to say the least. I've spent a lot of
>time just trying to pick through the existing documentation to get some
>simple functionality built.
We're improving the Help files and examples for the next releases. Hope this will be better in th next releases.

>I'm also disappointed with the way the product handles pie chart
>legends. It seems like I can either show a pie char or I can show
>legends when there are a lot of slices in the pie. Now there may be a
>way to do both, but I can't find it in the documentation.
Normally you should see the Pie Chart and the legend (at right side), also if you have not set the Legend.Visible to False. But I think the problem you have is that you must increase the width and height or the Chart object, then you will see the Chart (Pie) and the legend.

Best Regards
Josep Lluis Jorge

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