The printing in TChart is very strange. The printout will be different depending on the size of the window containing the graph. This is not a normal behavior. I would like the printout to be exactly the same each time I print my graph (font size, border, line width,...). Is there a way to achieve that?
D Brillon
Printing Problem
Hello Pep
I already tried that and it doest not work as I would expect. The size of the graph wil be ok but the fonts would not have a fixed size and the line width will change depending on the size of the graph windows. I want the behavior of the printout to be the same as the behaviour of the graph windows. If I change the size of the graph window, the fonts, the lines width, etc... does not changed.
I already tried that and it doest not work as I would expect. The size of the graph wil be ok but the fonts would not have a fixed size and the line width will change depending on the size of the graph windows. I want the behavior of the printout to be the same as the behaviour of the graph windows. If I change the size of the graph window, the fonts, the lines width, etc... does not changed.
Hi Brillon,
perhaps the problem is you're using Canvas.Font.Size to set font "size" ?, when printing, you should always use Font.Height instead of Font.Size.
Something like this should work:
Chart1.Canvas.Font.Height = -13; // note the - sign!
Chart1.Canvas.TextOut(100,100,'Hello World');
perhaps the problem is you're using Canvas.Font.Size to set font "size" ?, when printing, you should always use Font.Height instead of Font.Size.
Something like this should work:
Chart1.Canvas.Font.Height = -13; // note the - sign!
Chart1.Canvas.TextOut(100,100,'Hello World');
Pep Jorge
I don't think that's the problem because all aspect of the graph are changed. The line width the cursor, etc. Take a look at the result of printing the same graph first with a large window and secondly with a small window. (The results are generated using Printer.Canvas.StretchDraw as described in the FAQ )
Large window:

small window:

When the user want to print a graph from my application they want to have the same printout whatever the size of the window on the screen is.
I would like the print routine to do the same thing the draw window does but on the printer canvas.
David Brillon
I don't think that's the problem because all aspect of the graph are changed. The line width the cursor, etc. Take a look at the result of printing the same graph first with a large window and secondly with a small window. (The results are generated using Printer.Canvas.StretchDraw as described in the FAQ )
Large window:

small window:

When the user want to print a graph from my application they want to have the same printout whatever the size of the window on the screen is.
I would like the print routine to do the same thing the draw window does but on the printer canvas.
David Brillon
I ran into this same issue. I resolved it by creating a 'Resize' function.
I basically Resize everything to allow the user to see the graph zoomed in or out, and when printing I pass Zoom = 100;
Here's some of the code lines:
Graph1.Font.Height := -Round(Int(8 * Zoom / 100));
Graph1.LeftAxis.LabelsFont.Height := -Round(Int(8 * Zoom / 100));
Graph1.BottomAxis.LabelsFont.Height := -Round(Int(8 * Zoom / 100));
Graph1.Legend.Font.Height := -Round(Int(8 * Zoom / 100));
Graph1.Title.Font.Height := -Round(Int(8 * Zoom / 100));
Graph1.Foot.Font.Height := -Round(Int(8 * Zoom / 100));
for X := 0 to Graph1.SeriesCount - 1 do
//Graph1.Series[X].Marks.Font.Size := Round(Int(8 * Zoom / 100));
Graph1.Series[X].Marks.Font.Height := -Round(Int(8 * Zoom / 100));
if (GraphObject.View.BarMulti in [2, 3]) then
Graph1.Series[X].Marks.ArrowLength := -Round(Int(17 * Zoom /100))
Graph1.Series[X].Marks.ArrowLength := Round(Int(10 * Zoom /100));
if (Graph1.Series[X] is TPieSeries) then
with Graph1.Series[X] as TPieSeries do
if (not Circled) then
if (GraphObject.View.PieXRadius > 0) then
CustomXRadius := Round(GraphObject.View.PieXRadius *
Zoom / 100);
if (GraphObject.View.PieYRadius > 0) then
CustomYRadius := Round(GraphObject.View.PieYRadius *
Zoom / 100);
if (Graph1.Series[X] is TGaugeSeries) then
with Graph1.Series[X] as TGaugeSeries do
CustomXRadius := Round(134 * Zoom / 100);
CustomYRadius := Round(126 * Zoom / 100);
for Y := 0 to Graph1.Series[X].YValues.Count - 1 do
//Graph1.Series[X].Marks.Item[Y].Font.Size := Round(Int(8 *
Zoom / 100));
Graph1.Series[X].Marks.Item[Y].Font.Height := -Round(Int(8 *
Zoom / 100));
I basically Resize everything to allow the user to see the graph zoomed in or out, and when printing I pass Zoom = 100;
Here's some of the code lines:
Graph1.Font.Height := -Round(Int(8 * Zoom / 100));
Graph1.LeftAxis.LabelsFont.Height := -Round(Int(8 * Zoom / 100));
Graph1.BottomAxis.LabelsFont.Height := -Round(Int(8 * Zoom / 100));
Graph1.Legend.Font.Height := -Round(Int(8 * Zoom / 100));
Graph1.Title.Font.Height := -Round(Int(8 * Zoom / 100));
Graph1.Foot.Font.Height := -Round(Int(8 * Zoom / 100));
for X := 0 to Graph1.SeriesCount - 1 do
//Graph1.Series[X].Marks.Font.Size := Round(Int(8 * Zoom / 100));
Graph1.Series[X].Marks.Font.Height := -Round(Int(8 * Zoom / 100));
if (GraphObject.View.BarMulti in [2, 3]) then
Graph1.Series[X].Marks.ArrowLength := -Round(Int(17 * Zoom /100))
Graph1.Series[X].Marks.ArrowLength := Round(Int(10 * Zoom /100));
if (Graph1.Series[X] is TPieSeries) then
with Graph1.Series[X] as TPieSeries do
if (not Circled) then
if (GraphObject.View.PieXRadius > 0) then
CustomXRadius := Round(GraphObject.View.PieXRadius *
Zoom / 100);
if (GraphObject.View.PieYRadius > 0) then
CustomYRadius := Round(GraphObject.View.PieYRadius *
Zoom / 100);
if (Graph1.Series[X] is TGaugeSeries) then
with Graph1.Series[X] as TGaugeSeries do
CustomXRadius := Round(134 * Zoom / 100);
CustomYRadius := Round(126 * Zoom / 100);
for Y := 0 to Graph1.Series[X].YValues.Count - 1 do
//Graph1.Series[X].Marks.Item[Y].Font.Size := Round(Int(8 *
Zoom / 100));
Graph1.Series[X].Marks.Item[Y].Font.Height := -Round(Int(8 *
Zoom / 100));