I have the following problem, I have an application where the user can calculate simple(1 TBarSeries) or grouped bar diagram(More then 1 TBarSeries), if simple then 1 TBarSeries is created and values are inserted. I also calculate a XX% Confidence intervall for each bar/value. I display the XX% CI with using a TBoxSeries, I manually set the median/Q1/Q3 to the value in the TBarSeries, to display the upper/lower limit in the CI, the whiskers in the TBoxSeries are used and given appropiate values. When I add the TBoxSeries, I set the TBoxSeries.Position = 0(for first bar/value), = 1 for second bar/value,.... and this works fine when I have 1 TBarSeries in the Chart.
The problem occurs when I have more then 1 TBarSeries, then the position isnt the same as with 1 TBarSeries(i.e first bar has position 0, and so on). So my question is, does anyone know how I can get the "position" for each of the bars displayed in the TChart when I have more then 1 TBarSeries?
I would really appreciate any ideas regarding this problem, Im hoping its really easy, and its just something I missed

Best Regards,
Johan Ingemansson