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by Adrian » Fri Nov 17, 2006 1:11 am
I have a volume series that I want to control the colour of each bar. I use the following
Code: Select all
'serVolume(iPoint).Color = System.Drawing.Color.FromName(row(ColourName))
serVolume.Colors(iPoint) = System.Drawing.Color.FromName(row(ColourName))
serVolume.ColorEach = True
Neither of these options sets the colour of each bar, they execute and the serVolume(iPoint).Color is set to the colour that I want however they are not drawn witht he correct colour. The following code will set the colours for all bars to that specified so I figure it's something to do with the
coloureach setting
Code: Select all
serVolume.Color = System.Drawing.Color.FromName(row(ColourName))
Also could you explain the difference between the two colouring options.
Code: Select all
'serVolume(iPoint).Color = System.Drawing.Color.FromName(row(ColourName))
serVolume.Colors(iPoint) = System.Drawing.Color.FromName(row(ColourName))
serVolume.ColorEach = True
It seems that on some series types the first option works and on others the second.
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by Narcís » Fri Nov 17, 2006 12:42 pm
Hi Adrian,
You are right, ColorEach is not working fine for volume series. This is a defect (TF02011902) which I've added to our bug list to be fixed for future releases.
Also could you explain the difference between the two colouring options.
The two calls are basically the same. You can check this using
Lutz Roeder's .NET Reflector:
- 1. Open Teechart.dll using reflector.
2. Go to volume series at Steema.TeeChart.Styles.
3. Open base types and go to the series class.
4. Press Control + T and you will see a property called Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Series.Item[Int32] : SeriesXYPoint, which is "serVolume(iPoint)".
5. Now with that property selected, hit the space bar and then click on SeriesXYPoint. This property only has the X and Y values.
6. If you open the base type you can see it derives from Steema.TeeChart.Styles.SeriesPoint which has color.
7. Now hit the space bar again with Color selected and you get:
Code: Select all
[Description("Indexed Point Color")]
public Color Color
return this.series.Colors[this.index];
this.series.Colors[this.index] = value;
8. Now let's go back to the volume series, back again to the Series class from the base type and to the Colors property. This is the same as serVolume.Colors(iPoint) so serVolume(iPoint).Color and serVolume.Colors(iPoint) is the same.
It seems that on some series types the first option works and on others the second.
Could you please send us any example you may have found where those two calls behave differently?