I want to show only a part of my data in the chart....the rest of my data is invisible behind the right axis.
I want to realize the following steps:
1) The white line (its a 'orientation line' for the current position on my chart) which i draw in the middle of the chart should be on the left side before I push a button. Thats my initial position...
2) After pushing the button (a timer will be started in the background) the white line should move its position on the timeline (x-axis) till it reaches the middle of the chart.
3) After this datalines of my 2 series should move from right to left so that the user always see the current data at the white line.
4) When the end of my data will shown then the white line should move from the middle to the right end. When the line reaches the right axis then the current data is the last one.
I hope I could explain it in a understanding way??!!

Can I realize this in that way?? I'm happy about any idea or tipp how I can realize this!!