When I tried recompiling my C++Builder 6 TeeChart VCL Pro 6 code in BDS 2006 C++Builder with a upgrade purchase TeeChart VCL Pro 7.08 I got the following compilation errors:
[C++ Error] FieldLib.cpp(4890): E2316 'ScrollMouseButton' is not a member of 'TChart'
[C++ Error] Digi132xContAcq.cpp(3802): E2316 'FastPen' is not a member of 'TFastLineSeries'
[C++ Error] Digi132xContAcq.cpp(3816): E2316 'IgnoreNulls' is not a member of 'TFastLineSeries'
[C++ Error] Digi132xContAcq.cpp(3817): E2316 'Color' is not a member of 'TFastLineSeries'
Presumably ScrollMouseButton, FastPen, IgnoreNulls and Color have been removed, but what (if anything) have they been replaced with, particularly Color and IgnoreNulls?
Is there someplace that describes in detail the changes between VCLpro6 and VLCpro7?

Thanks in advance,