When I pop up several pages with Teachart program
I usually see background screen on which Teechart program should be displayed.
As if it has a great hole on it..
Is this a kind of bug in Teechart?
though I can see the right page with the click on 'Refresh'
the problem is that I come across the Backroud screen again with another
new chart and I see the chart with error which was opened once on the screen.
How can I solve it in this case?
the problem background window is printed whenever operating
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Hi kinghyun,
Which TeeChart version are you using? Could you please send us a simple example project we can run "as-is" to reproduce the problem here?
You can post your files at news://www.steema.net/steema.public.attachments newsgroup or at our upload page.
Thanks in advance.
Which TeeChart version are you using? Could you please send us a simple example project we can run "as-is" to reproduce the problem here?
You can post your files at news://www.steema.net/steema.public.attachments newsgroup or at our upload page.
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,
Narcís Calvet / Development & Support Steema Software Avinguda Montilivi 33, 17003 Girona, Catalonia Tel: 34 972 218 797 http://www.steema.com |
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Thank you for your quick reply^^
Haven't you ever went through this case?
Checking the sources used in my company, I can easily find these cases.
If I explain in detail, my point is 'Pop-up window' and 'Considerable Series'.
The case in which windows with the T-chart have holes on the screen takes place in random.
I think that occurs more common in out-dated computers with many pop-ups on the screen.
That computer has 2.80GB CPU and 1GB RAM.
It hardly occurs in the computers with better than 3GB CPU and 2GB RAM.
720 data are put in the X-axis and sometimes more than 4320 data can be put.
The problem is that it happens so randomly that it is hard to find the cause.
I usually use the source like this in general.
Checking the sources used in my company, I can easily find these cases.
If I explain in detail, my point is 'Pop-up window' and 'Considerable Series'.
The case in which windows with the T-chart have holes on the screen takes place in random.
I think that occurs more common in out-dated computers with many pop-ups on the screen.
That computer has 2.80GB CPU and 1GB RAM.
It hardly occurs in the computers with better than 3GB CPU and 2GB RAM.
720 data are put in the X-axis and sometimes more than 4320 data can be put.
The problem is that it happens so randomly that it is hard to find the cause.
I usually use the source like this in general.
Code: Select all
Option Explicit
' Response.Clear
Response.Buffer = True
Response.Expires = 0
' response.expires = -1
' Response.ExpiresAbsolute = Now() - 1
Response.AddHeader "Cache-Control", "private"
Response.AddHeader "pragma", "no-cache"
Response.CacheControl = "no-cache"
<!-- #include virtual = "/inc/totalpage/inc_all_page.asp" -->
<!-- #include virtual = "/inc/database/inc_DAL_Helpers.asp" -->
<!-- #include virtual = "/inc/product/os390/function_sub_systemid.asp" -->
<!-- #include virtual = "/inc/product/os390/com_function_date.asp" -->
<!-- #include virtual = "/inc/proc/com_function_number.asp" -->
Dim m_modName
Dim blnDebug, blnResponseEnd
m_modName = "online/04.asp"
blnDebug = false
blnResponseEnd = false
dim strSystem, strTime
dim avg_time
Function GetBySystem()
GetBySystem = _
oDAOSimple.RunSPReturnString("usp_os390_common_getbysystemid", , _
end Function
Call Page_Load()
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript>
function window_onload()
ifrm.document.location.href = "04_ifrm.asp?lstSystem=<%=strSystem%>&lstTime=<%=strTime%>";
setTimeout ("Move2()",2*60*1000)
function Move(strValue)
ifrm.document.location.href = "04_ifrm.asp?lstSystem=<%=strSystem%>&lstTime=<%=strTime%>";
setTimeout ("Move()",5*60*1000)
function Move2()
frmForm1.action = "04.asp";
frmForm1.method = "Post";
function NowDateTime()
dNowDateTime.innerHTML = GetNowDate(".","F") + "(" + GetWeekDay("K") + ") " + GetNowTime("").substring(0,5);
function MM_reloadPage(init)
if (init==true) with (navigator)
document.MM_pgW=innerWidth; document.MM_pgH=innerHeight; onresize=MM_reloadPage;
else if (innerWidth!=document.MM_pgW || innerHeight!=document.MM_pgH) location.reload();
<script ID="clientEventHandlersVBS" LANGUAGE="vbscript">
Sub TChartList()
End Sub
Sub TChartInit()
frmForm1.TChart1.Environment.IEPrintWithPage = true
frmForm1.TChart1.Import.LoadFromURL("<%=gUrlMain%>" & "os390/tchart_tee/online_cpu_01.tee")
<%call View_011()%>
End Sub
Sub TChart1_OnClick()
End Sub
Sub TChart1_OnClickSeries(SeriesIndex, ValueIndex, Button, Shift, X, Y)
msgBox "Time : " + CStr(frmForm1.TChart1.Series(SeriesIndex).PointLabel(ValueIndex)) + chr(10) + frmForm1.TChart1.Series(SeriesIndex).Title & " Value : "+CStr(frmForm1.TChart1.Series(SeriesIndex).PointValue(ValueIndex))
End Sub
sub button1_onclick()
end sub
body{filter='progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(GradientType=0, StartColorStr=pink, EndColorStr=#FFFFFF)'}
.test1 {filter='progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(GradientType=0, StartColorStr=#EEFCFF, EndColorStr=#94CBD9)'}
<body bgcolor="#DEF6FF" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" onload="return window_onload()">
<form name="frmForm1">
<table width="100%" height="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<!-- Teechart -->
<td height="85%" colspan="2">
<table width="100%" height="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2">
<OBJECT classid="CLSID:B6C10489-FB89-11D4-93C9-006008A7EED4" data=data:application/x-oleobject;base64,iQTBton71BGTyQBgCKfu1FRQRjALVENoYXJ0Q2hhcnQABExlZnQCAANUb3 ACAAVXaWR0aAMCAwZIZWlnaHQD1gEUQmFja1dhbGwuQnJ1c2guQ29sb3IHB2NsV2hpdGUUQmFja1dhbGwuQnJ1c2guU3R5bGUHB 2JzQ2xlYXISR3JhZGllbnQuRGlyZWN0aW9uBwtnZEJvdHRvbVRvcBFHcmFkaWVudC5FbmRDb2xvcgcHY2xXaGl0ZRRMZWZ0V2Fs bC5CcnVzaC5Db2xvcgcHY2xXaGl0ZQ5MZWZ0V2FsbC5Db2xvcgcHY2xXaGl0ZQxNYXJnaW5Cb3R0b20CAwlNYXJnaW5Ub3ACBRJ UaXRsZS5Gb250LkNoYXJzZXQHD0hBTkdFVUxfQ0hBUlNFVBFUaXRsZS5Gb250LkhlaWdodALtD1RpdGxlLkZvbnQuTmFtZQYEsb y4shBUaXRsZS5Gb250LlN0eWxlCwZmc0JvbGQAElRpdGxlLlRleHQuU3RyaW5ncwEGASAAFUJvdHRvbUF4aXMuQXhpcy5XaWR0a AIBF0JvdHRvbUF4aXMuR3JpZC5WaXNpYmxlCBtCb3R0b21BeGlzLkxhYmVsc1NlcGFyYXRpb24CABlCb3R0b21BeGlzLk1pbm9y VGlja0NvdW50AgQdQm90dG9tQXhpcy5UaXRsZS5Gb250LkNoYXJzZXQHD0hBTkdFVUxfQ0hBUlNFVBtCb3R0b21BeGlzLlRpdGx lLkZvbnQuQ29sb3IHBmNsQmx1ZRxCb3R0b21BeGlzLlRpdGxlLkZvbnQuSGVpZ2h0AvMaQm90dG9tQXhpcy5UaXRsZS5Gb250Lk 5hbWUGBLG8uLIOQ2hhcnQzRFBlcmNlbnQCBRJMZWZ0QXhpcy5BdXRvbWF0aWMIGUxlZnRBeGlzLkF1dG9tYXRpY01heGltdW0IG UxlZnRBeGlzLkF1dG9tYXRpY01pbmltdW0IE0xlZnRBeGlzLkF4aXMuV2lkdGgCARBMZWZ0QXhpcy5NYXhpbXVtBQAAAAAAAADI BUAXTGVmdEF4aXMuTWlub3JUaWNrQ291bnQCBBRMZWZ0QXhpcy5UaXRsZS5BbmdsZQMOARZMZWZ0QXhpcy5UaXRsZS5DYXB0aW9 uBgxDUFW757/rwLJbJV0bTGVmdEF4aXMuVGl0bGUuRm9udC5DaGFyc2V0Bw9IQU5HRVVMX0NIQVJTRVQZTGVmdEF4aXMuVGl0bG UuRm9udC5Db2xvcgcGY2xCbHVlGkxlZnRBeGlzLlRpdGxlLkZvbnQuSGVpZ2h0AvEYTGVmdEF4aXMuVGl0bGUuRm9udC5OYW1lB gVAsby4shJMZWZ0QXhpcy5UaXRsZVNpemUCARBMZWdlbmQuQWxpZ25tZW50BwhsYUJvdHRvbRFMZWdlbmQuQ29sb3JXaWR0aAIF E0xlZ2VuZC5Gb250LkNoYXJzZXQHD0hBTkdFVUxfQ0hBUlNFVBJMZWdlbmQuRm9udC5IZWlnaHQC8xBMZWdlbmQuRm9udC5OYW1 lBgaxvLiyw7wSTGVnZW5kLkxlZ2VuZFN0eWxlBwhsc1NlcmllcxFMZWdlbmQuU2hhZG93U2l6ZQIAE0xlZ2VuZC5TeW1ib2wuV2 lkdGgCBRBMZWdlbmQuVGV4dFN0eWxlBwhsdHNQbGFpbg1MZWdlbmQuVG9wUG9zAgATUmlnaHRBeGlzLkF1dG9tYXRpYwgaUmlna HRBeGlzLkF1dG9tYXRpY01heGltdW0IGlJpZ2h0QXhpcy5BdXRvbWF0aWNNaW5pbXVtCBRSaWdodEF4aXMuQXhpcy5XaWR0aAIB FlJpZ2h0QXhpcy5HcmlkLlZpc2libGUIEVJpZ2h0QXhpcy5NYXhpbXVtBQAAAAAAAADIBUAYUmlnaHRBeGlzLk1pbm9yVGlja0N vdW50AgQcUmlnaHRBeGlzLlRpdGxlLkZvbnQuQ2hhcnNldAcPSEFOR0VVTF9DSEFSU0VUG1JpZ2h0QXhpcy5UaXRsZS5Gb250Lk hlaWdodALzGVJpZ2h0QXhpcy5UaXRsZS5Gb250Lk5hbWUGBrG8uLLDvBJUb3BBeGlzLkF4aXMuV2lkdGgCAQ9Ub3BBeGlzLlZpc 2libGUIBlZpZXczRAgNWm9vbS5BbmltYXRlZAkKQmV2ZWxPdXRlcgcGYnZOb25lCkJldmVsV2lkdGgCAAtCb3JkZXJTdHlsZQcI YnNTaW5nbGUFQ29sb3IHB2NsV2hpdGUAAAAAAAACAAAAAP////8=
height=500 id=TChart1 style="HEIGHT: 500; LEFT: 0px; TOP: 0px; WIDTH: 980px" type=application/x-oleobject
<iframe name= "ifrm" style = "HEIGHT:500px; WIDTH: 500px;DISPLAY:none"></iframe>
Sub Page_Load()
strSystem = rtrim(Request("lstSystem"))
strTime = rtrim(Request("lstTime"))
if strSystem = "" or isnull(strSystem) then
strSystem = "HQ"
end if
if strTime = "" or isnull(strTime) then
strTime = "24hour"
end if
If IsFormValid = false Then
Call ErrorMsg( _
m1100, _
End If
Call Init()
End Sub
Sub Init()
if strTime = "24hour" then
avg_time = 2
avg_time = 10
end if
End Sub
Function IsFormValid
IsFormValid = true
If Len(strSystem) = 0 Then
IsFormValid = false
End if
End Function
sub View_011
dim j,u,x
dim Rs,Rs1
dim Gr_011,Gr_012
dim time_per_cnt
dim job_group_cnt
if strTime = "24hour" then
avg_time = 2
time_per_cnt = (60 / avg_time ) * 24
avg_time = 10
time_per_cnt = ((60 / avg_time ) * 24) * 7
end if
set Rs=oDAOSimple.RunSPReturnRs("usp_os390_online_cpu_04",Array(_
if Rs.EOF then
Gr_011 = null
Gr_011 = Rs.GetRows()
end if
Set Rs = Nothing
frmForm1.TChart1.Axis.Bottom.Title.Caption =" Time "
frmForm1.TChart1.Axis.Left.Maximum = 100
<% if not isnull(Gr_011) then
job_group_cnt = (Ubound(Gr_011,2)+1) / time_per_cnt
for u= 0 to job_group_cnt -1 %>
<% next
for j = 0 to Ubound(Gr_011,2)
if strTime = "24hour" then
x = left(Gr_011(0,j),2) & ":" & right(Gr_011(0,j),2)
x = mid(Gr_011(0,j),5,2) & "/" & mid(Gr_011(0,j),7,2)& " " & mid(Gr_011(0,j),9,2)& ":" &mid(Gr_011(0,j),11,2)
end if %>
frmForm1.TChart1.Series(<%=j mod job_group_cnt%>).asArea.AreaPen.Visible = false
frmForm1.TChart1.Series(<%=j mod job_group_cnt%>).asArea.MultiArea = 1
frmForm1.TChart1.Series(<%=j mod job_group_cnt%>).ShowInLegend = True
frmForm1.TChart1.Series(<%=j mod job_group_cnt%>).Title = "<%=Gr_011(1,j)%>"
frmForm1.TChart1.series(<%=j mod job_group_cnt%>).Add <%=Gr_011(2,j)%>,"<%=x%>",536870912
<% next
erase Gr_011
end if
end sub
We're not able to reproduce the problem here yet. There was a similar issue relating to multiple popup windows of Internet Explorer. Chart repaints were not correctly taking place across different browser windows.
Please check and disable the 'Show Window contents while dragging' option to confirm whether that changes behaviour. It is accessible via right mouseclick on 'My Computer' to get the properties menu, then Advanced tab, 'Performance'.
Marc Meumann
We're not able to reproduce the problem here yet. There was a similar issue relating to multiple popup windows of Internet Explorer. Chart repaints were not correctly taking place across different browser windows.
Please check and disable the 'Show Window contents while dragging' option to confirm whether that changes behaviour. It is accessible via right mouseclick on 'My Computer' to get the properties menu, then Advanced tab, 'Performance'.
Marc Meumann
Steema Support