I compile and install Teechart 7 with QuickReport 3.62 (c:\delphi 7\Teechart 7\Delphi7\QuickReport\Install.txt) but I received the error "QRTee was compiled with diferent version of QuickRept.TQRPrintTable" when compiling my application.
The TeeChart 7 is compatible with QR 3.62 ? How to install ?
Teechart 7 & QuickReport 3.62
Yes, TeeChart v7 is "compatible" with Quick Report v3 or v4. But you'll still have to recompile&reinstall TQRChart component packages after you installed TeeChart v7 and Qucik Report 3.62. Detailed instructions how to do this are included with TeeChart v7 binaries installer. Also, there are some posts about compiling TQRChart component packages with different Quick Report version available in these forums. Hopefully this will help you to compile and reinstall TQRChart component files with Quick Report 3.62.
Yes, TeeChart v7 is "compatible" with Quick Report v3 or v4. But you'll still have to recompile&reinstall TQRChart component packages after you installed TeeChart v7 and Qucik Report 3.62. Detailed instructions how to do this are included with TeeChart v7 binaries installer. Also, there are some posts about compiling TQRChart component packages with different Quick Report version available in these forums. Hopefully this will help you to compile and reinstall TQRChart component files with Quick Report 3.62.
This indicates that one of the TQRChart component files was compiled with wrong (old) version of Teechart files. First delete all old compile TQRChart component files and only then proceed with recompilation.QRTee was compiled with diferent version of
Marjan Slatinek,
Teechart 7 and QuickReport 4.03
Ok, its works with QR 3.62 but don´t with QR 4.03.
How to install TC 7 with QR 4.03 ?
(sorry my poor english)
How to install TC 7 with QR 4.03 ?
(sorry my poor english)

Ok. One post in this forum also addresses the differences between recompiling with Quick Report v3 and Quick Report v4. In short, the only differences are Quick Report package name and TQRChart packages buld option. You can find more about it by clicking on this link.
Ok. One post in this forum also addresses the differences between recompiling with Quick Report v3 and Quick Report v4. In short, the only differences are Quick Report package name and TQRChart packages buld option. You can find more about it by clicking on this link.
Marjan Slatinek,