Chart with no Editor (print size)
Chart with no Editor (print size)
Hi there, we are using TeeChart For Java in a Java Web Start Application. It is working perfectly, but problem is the print size of the library. 2MB is too much. My question is how to reduce th e size? For example how to remove the Editor (we doesn't use it)? Thank you.
Hi Marc, thank you for answer. Have you tried this? I cannot compile teechart package without "editors" folderMarc wrote:Hello,
You could remove the Editor folder and sub folders from the TeeChart Java sources and recompile the Jar. It should function correctly, with no active calls to the Editors.
Marc Meumann

Yes sorry, my reply was too simplistic. There are other areas of the code where removal of the Editor code will have a knock-on effect requiring more attention to detail on removal of the folder. It's not a lengthy task though as the places affected are limited.
Yes sorry, my reply was too simplistic. There are other areas of the code where removal of the Editor code will have a knock-on effect requiring more attention to detail on removal of the folder. It's not a lengthy task though as the places affected are limited.
- When removing the editors folder, if you wish to continue to use the Commander Component (without Editor facilities) leave the editors\images folder in place.
Main units affected are Series units (teechart\styles).
In all Series units where is referenced:
Remove/comment references to:
Remove/comment the method: createSubGallery
Other files:
Remove/comment reference to:
import com.steema.teechart.editors.Utils
and subsequent call to Utils.YesNo
Remove/comment reference to:
import com.steema.teechart.editors.(..etc..)
In each unit remove/comment calls to open Editors
Remove/comment reference to:
import com.steema.teechart.editors.(..etc..)
Remove/comment _tools.setPropertyEditorClass(ToolsPropertyEditor.class);
Remove/comment method: getBeanDescriptor()
Remove/comment entire class: ToolsPropertyEditor
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